Health Insurance Coverage - Module 2 of 5
See Also:
Module 2- Health Insurance Coverage
In this module, we’ll
learn about the nature of health insurance and what an insurance policy covers.
We’ll discuss federal and state laws regulating the industry, what happens if a
disease or illness is covered or excluded under a policy and the legalities of
a health insurance plan covering or excluding a particular treatment.
Health Insurance and Insurance Policy
Health insurance is a
type of insurance that covers the cost of an insured person’s medical and
surgical expenses in case of illness.[1] The insured’s health insurance
coverage applies to any disability or disease arising from a specific
Health insurance
policies, of course, have limitations. First, almost every health insurance
policy excludes some diseases, injuries and treatments from coverage. An exclusion
is a healthcare service that isn’t included in coverage. For example,
HealthPocket, a technology company that compares and ranks health plans for
users, found that the most common insurance exclusions are cosmetic surgery,
adult dental services, acupuncture and weight loss services.[3]
Second, health
insurance policies typically exclude some health benefits for employees
eligible for workers’ compensation. When workers’ compensation insurance covers
an employee’s injury (which occurs when injuries happen in the scope of
employment), the health insurer typically won’t reimburse him for medical
Dental care is not
usually covered under health insurance plans and so people often purchase
separate dental insurance plans. Some state statutes, however, require insurers
to provide coverage for certain dental procedures and treatments, such as oral surgery
or orthodontic treatment of TMJ syndrome, a disorder of the joints caused by
misalignment of the jaws. This is because the syndrome is a medical problem
rather than a dental problem.[5]
Finally, health
insurance coverage does not typically extend to injuries sustained during the
commission of illegal acts. This exclusion appears frequently in litigation
after a drunk driving accident. A federal appeals court considered one case
involving a motorcyclist who crashed into an automobile while legally
intoxicated. His health insurer denied coverage based on a provision that
excludes coverage for injuries resulting from the commission of any illegal
act. Although the motorcyclist’s blood-alcohol level was above the legal limit,
an officer cited him for inattentive driving punishable by civil forfeiture rather
than drunk driving.
Still, the reviewing
court sided with the insurance company, finding that it didn’t have to cover
his medical bills. Although he was not charged with drunk driving, it was still
shown that at the time of his injury, he was taking part in that illegal act,
which was excluded by the policy.[6]
State and Federal Regulation of Health
Insurance Policies
In 2016, a study found that the top three sources, from
which Americans acquire health insurance coverage are, in order of volume,
their employer, Medicare and Medicaid. Over 153 million Americans are insured as
part of an employer’s group health plan.[7]
Most private sector health plans are covered by the federal Employee Retirement
Income Security Act, which sets the minimum standards for these health plans to
protect enrollees. More than 55 million Americans have health insurance through
Medicare, a federal insurance program that covers virtually all Americans aged
65 and older.[8] Around 49 million
low-income, disabled, and elderly Americans are insured through Medicaid, a
program funded jointly by states and the federal government but administered by
states according to federal requirements.”[9]
of these are regulated by federal law, with the regulations differing between
private plans and plans under Medicare, Medicaid and ERISA. In addition, every
state regulates the health insurance industry. Mandated health benefit laws
require insurance companies to provide certain kinds of health benefits to
cover specified illnesses or procedures. State laws also regulate coverage of
certain treatments, services, and providers.
Federal laws governing health insurance coverage
include the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, known as HIPAA,
which does the following:[10]
It protects the ability
to transfer and continue health insurance coverage for millions of American
workers and their families when they change or lose their jobs.
It mandates
industry-wide standards for health care information on electronic billing and
other processes.
It requires the
protection and confidential handling of protected health information.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act imposes
requirements for health insurers. It provides for “essential health benefits,”
a set of 10 categories of services health insurance plans must cover. These
essential health benefits include emergency services, hospitalization, mental
health services, prescription drug offerings and preventive medicine.[11]
Diseases and Health Conditions Covered by
an Insurance Policy
Disputes between a
health insurer and policy holder may arise regarding certain illnesses and
conditions. Some of the commonly contested illnesses and conditions include alcoholism
and drug use, mental disorders, and autism. For some diseases and conditions, some
state legislatures have passed laws mandating coverage.
Should a dispute regarding
coverage arise, an insured may seek remedies in the courts. The question
typically surrounds what is considered a “disease” or “illness” under a health
insurance or hospitalization insurance policy. For example, Washington’s statute
on mandated coverage requires health insurers to cover breast reconstruction
following a mastectomy that results from a disease, illness or injury. In construing
this law, a Washington court held that a rupture of a silicone gel implant in the
insured’s left breast and migration of silicone gel that caused silicone
granulomas to form was considered a “disease, illness, or injury” under the
Washington statute. The migration of silicone and potential for continued
migration impaired the woman’s normal physiological functioning, so the health
insurer had to cover the patient’s treatment.[12]
Substance Abuse
Substance abuse
disorders were traditionally not covered by health insurance.[13] However, over the course
of the late twentieth century, the medical community gradually accepted
addiction to alcohol or drugs as a “disease.” Now, alcoholism treatments such
as detox and outpatient counseling are covered by most insurance policies. Additionally,
although a health insurance policy may exclude coverage for the treatment of
alcohol abuse or chemical dependency, one New York court held that an exclusion
for the treatment of alcoholism would not bar coverage for medical conditions,
such as cirrhosis of the liver, that developed due to frequent alcohol use.[14]
After the disease’s
discovery in the 1980s, health insurers often excluded treatment related to human
immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome
(HIV/AIDS). With the passing of the Affordable Care Act, however, a health
insurer can no longer refuse to provide insurance coverage to those suffering
from HIV/AIDS or charge such a person a higher rate for coverage.[15]
Mental Health Conditions
The Affordable
Care Act dictated that health services for mental disorders comprise one category
of essential health benefits that must be covered under a health plan.
states have also passed statutes requiring coverage for various mental health
services and decisions reached by the highest courts of several states have
reinforced these laws among various applications. In 2014, for example, the Washington
Supreme Court held that neurodevelopmental therapies for children age six and
under were “mental health services” for which insurance coverage was mandatory
under the Washington state statute. Since the therapies were determined to be
medically necessary to treat mental disorders recognized under American
Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
the state supreme court held that the Washington statute required health
insurers to cover the mental health services.[16]
Autism spectrum
disorder is another medical condition that has come into the purview of public
consciousness. One of the fastest growing developmental disabilities in the
United States today, it affects a significant number of children and adults. Historically,
the financial cost of providing treatment for those with autism has been borne
by individuals and families because autism affects each person at a different
level of severity and because many different symptomatic permutations are
possible, making treatment difficult and costly.[17] Insurance companies
designated autism as a diagnostic exclusion, which means that the plan won’t
cover any services rendered explicitly for the treatment of autism. So, many health
insurance policies did not cover treatment for autism until most states reformed
their approaches to require it. As of 2017, 46 states and the District of
Columbia have laws that require insurance coverage of autism services.[18]
Medical Treatments Covered by an
Insurance Policy
As with exclusions in
policies for particular diseases and conditions, health insurance policies also
won’t cover the costs of certain medical treatments. For example, treatments
for cosmetic surgery, fertility, experimental procedures, chiropractic
services, and massage therapy are sometimes excluded. Let’s look at these more
Cosmetic Surgery
Most health insurance
policies won’t cover the costs of purely elective cosmetic surgery or treatment
which is primarily intended to improve one’s appearance.
A court may sometimes face
a question of whether a cosmetic procedure is elective or medically necessary. In
one case, a New York court considered whether a bilateral mastectomy for a male
adolescent with gynecomastia, or enlarged breast tissue, was medically
necessary or cosmetic. The child's avoidance of many normal adolescent
activities, such as swimming or playing sports to avoid embarrassment and
ridicule caused by gynecomastia constituted a functional defect within the meaning
of the health insurance policy that covered him. Thus, the court held that his
policy must cover the costs of his medical procedure. It reasoned that the procedure
was medically necessary to eliminate the adolescent’s anomaly and impaired
functioning due to his physical condition.[19]
Coverage for contraceptives
and preventive care for women has been the subject of much debate. The
Affordable Care Act sets forth certain requirements concerning coverage for
contraceptives. Generally, this law requires employers with fifty or more
full-time employees to offer a group health plan or group health insurance coverage
that provides “minimum essential coverage.” Minimum essential coverage includes
the requirement that an employer's group health plan furnish employees with
health insurance coverage, including health care related to reproduction, from
birth-control pills to pregnancy screening.[20]
However, the law and
its implementing regulations create a religious exemption from the
contraceptive coverage mandate. The religious exemption applies to religious
employers, including churches, their integrated auxiliaries, conventions or
associations of churches and exclusively religious activities of any religious
order. In Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores Inc., the Supreme Court held
that the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive mandate requiring employers to
provide coverage for FDA-approved contraceptive devices violated the First
Amendment’s freedom of religion clause and the Religious Freedom Restoration
Act as applied to closely-held corporations with sincere religious objections.[21] Coverage for
contraceptives and preventive care under the Affordable Care Act and exclusions
in health insurance policies continue to be debated in Congress and litigated
in courts.
Fertility Treatments
As with contraceptives,
there are debates surrounding coverage for fertility treatments. Many policies
have specific language covering or excluding fertility treatments, such as artificial
insemination procedures. Whether artificial insemination procedures or other
infertility treatments are covered by health insurance generally depends on three
1) the language of the
insurance policy;
2) the cause of the
insured's infertility; and
3) the nature of the
treatment performed.[22]
A federal court in New
York held that an employee health insurance plan that denied coverage for
surgical impregnation procedures and related expenses did not discriminate
against females in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. The court
recognized that men were subject to same coverage restrictions as women, and
male employees were precluded from receiving infertility-related benefits for
treatments performed on their wives.[23] As a result, many couples
seeking fertility treatments must pay out-of-pocket for these services.
Experimental and Alternative Medical
Health insurance
contracts also typically limit coverage for certain experimental procedures. Various
health insurance companies may define “investigational” or “experimental”
differently. Courts consider the language of the policy itself along with
applicable state and federal laws.
Commonly, a procedure is
experimental and excluded from coverage under a health insurance policy when there
is a shortage of experience with the procedure or where there are ongoing clinical
studies being conducted to better grasp a procedure’s effectiveness.[24] This can, for example, arise
with procedures for bone marrow transplants. A federal court in Montana held
that an insurer properly denied coverage for autologous bone marrow transplant
therapy to treat a patient's refractory Crohn’s disease because there wasn’t
enough evidence to demonstrate that this therapy would have a beneficial medical
Finally, let’s examine
coverage under health insurance policies for complementary and alternative
medicine, including chiropractic services, massage therapy and acupuncture. Nearly
one-third of American adults use some form of complementary or alternative
medicine, according to reports by the National Center for Health Statistics, spending
more than $30 billion annually on everything from fish oil supplements to
Notably, “insurance
companies often cover several visits for chiropractic care and physical
therapy, but only very expensive plans tend to cover acupuncture, massage and
Furthermore, “some
states have passed legislation prohibiting discrimination in health insurance
coverage against the services provided by chiropractors.”[28] An insurance company is more
likely to cover chiropractic care and physical therapy than other alternative
therapies. In a survey conducted by Consumer
Reports, thirteen percent of respondents “who saw a massage therapist said
that insurance picked up the tab for more than 75 percent of the cost.”[29]
In our next module,
we’ll discuss concealment, warranties, and conditions in an insurance policy.
[1] Adam Felman, What is Health Insurance?, Medical News Today, (May 9, 2018),
[3] 10 Most Common Health Insurance Exclusions, Consumer Health Alliance, (Oct. 16, 2014),
[4] Protecting Employees: Workers’ Compensation vs. Health Insurance, Insureon Blog, (May 7, 2014),
[5] Coverage under medical and health insurance plans for services performed by dentists, oral surgeons, and orthodontists, 43 A.L.R.5th 657.
[7] Michael Hiltzik, Where America Gets Its Health Coverage: Everything You Wanted to Know in One Handy Chart, Los Angeles Times, (Mar. 29, 2016),
[8] Id.; Medicare, National Conference of State Legislatures, (last visited Aug. 3, 2018).
[9] Michael Hiltzik, Where America Gets Its Health Coverage: Everything You Wanted to Know in One Handy Chart, Los Angeles Times, (Mar. 29, 2016),; Medicaid,, (last visited Aug. 3, 2018).
[10] Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, California Dep’t of Health Care Services, (last visited Aug. 3, 2018).
[12] Wash.Rev. Code § 48.44.330; Carr v. Blue Cross of Washington &Alaska, 971 P.2d 102, 108 (Wash. Ct. App. 1999).
[13] Alcoholism: A Disease of Speculation, Baldwin Research Institute, (last visited Aug. 3, 2018).
[14] 43 Am. Jur. 2d Insurance § 548; 70 N.Y. Jur. 2d Insurance § 1493.
[17] Laura C. Hoffman, Ensuring Access to Health Care for theAutistic Child: More Is Needed Than Federal Health Care Reform, 41 Sw. L. Rev. 435, 442 (2012).
[18] Autism and Insurance Coverage | State Laws, National Conference of State Legislatures, (June 7, 2017),
[20] Seema Mohapatra, “Time To Lift The Veil of Inequality in Health-Care Coverage: UsingCorporate Law to Defend the Affordable Care Act”, 50 Wake Forest L. Rev. 137, 137 (2015).
[22] Coverage of artificial insemination procedures or other infertility treatments by health, sickness, or hospitalization insurance, 80 A.L.R.4th 1059.
[24] 43 Am. Jur. 2d Insurance § 557.
[25] Parsons v. Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health Sys., Inc., 832F. Supp. 2d 1222, 1230 (D. Mont. 2011), aff'd, 490 F. App'x 867 (9th Cir. 2012).
[26] Mike Valles, Alternative Medicine and Your Health Insurance, The Simple Dollar, (May 2, 2018),
[27] Teresa Carr, Does Insurance Cover Acupuncture and Other Nondrug Therapies?, Consumer Reports, (May 4, 2017),
[28] 43 Am. Jur. 2d Insurance § 558.
[29] Teresa Carr, Does Insurance Cover Acupuncture and Other Nondrug Therapies?, Consumer Reports, (May 4, 2017),