Environmental Law Under the Common Law - Module 1 of 5
See Also:
Module 1: Environmental Law Under the Common Law
major environmental laws are a relatively recent phenomenon in American
history, dating back only to 1963, there were ways in which the environment
could be protected and environmental damage remedied under tort law and other
principles of law predating the passage of the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act
and other major environmental legislation. In our opening module, we will
discuss how common law protects the environment in ways that don’t depend on
these landmark laws. In the remaining modules, we’ll look more at federal
regulation and the effects of federal environmental legislation.
We will begin by discussing the reasons that many plaintiffs prefer to pursue environmental torts under the common law rather than statutory causes of action. Next, we’ll discuss the possibilities of preventing or remedying environmental harm using trespass, private nuisance, public nuisance and strict liability torts. The module closes with a discussion of the lengths that some polluters go to in order to avoid common law liability by engaging in Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation, or “SLAPP” suits.
Benefits of Common Law
Environmental Actions
There are
myriads of state and federal laws directly regulating environmental pollution. American
jurisprudence includes thousands of pages of laws designed to protect our land,
air, and water. But there are still reasons that plaintiffs may prefer to bring
civil actions under the common law rather than pursuing statutory remedies
under federal environmental legislation.
benefit to bringing environmental actions under the common law is that it can
be particularly effective in cases of localized pollution. Damages awarded in
common law suits are paid directly to the plaintiffs. When environmental
releases damage specific, localized communities, common law actions are often
the best way that private plaintiffs can be made whole. This is one reason why,
for example, the largest awards for damages in the infamous Exxon-Valdez oil spill went to
plaintiffs in common law claims. Altogether, private plaintiffs in common law
actions were awarded over $300 million in compensation[1]
Actions brought under federal environmental legislation, on the other hand, may
instead result in fines or other damages paid to the government or public.
plaintiffs turn to the common law as a matter of necessity rather than
preference. While there are several environmental statutes designed to address
various forms of pollution, statutory law is highly specific and circumstantial.
Plaintiffs may be harmed by environmental contamination that falls into an
exception or exemption under statutory law. Rather than let these cases fall
through the cracks, the common law offers an opportunity for remedy.
Common law
doctrines also provide an important basis for building effective policy over
time. Due to doctrines that afford case decisions precedential value and thus
judicial consistency, causes of action are slow to change over time. Consistency
in the application of environmental law is essential and aids in the
development of new environmental laws and policies.
actions brought under the common law offer several benefits, but they are not
accessible to everyone who may have potentially been harmed by an environmental
release. A plaintiff must provide evidence sufficient to show that the
defendant’s wrongful action caused actual and foreseeable harm to the plaintiff
and must prove that she suffered legally-recognized damages because of the
defendant’s wrongful action. These limitations have prevented many plaintiffs
in environmental actions from being able to recover, but they also provide
important limitations on the type and nature of lawsuits that are eligible for
review in judicial courts.
Native Village Kivalina v. Exxon Mobile Corp. is a recent environmental case that highlights issues faced by environmental law plaintiffs in environmental actions in the common law.[2] This case involved an action for monetary damages brought by the residents of a native Alaskan village affected by climate change who alleged that the defendant oil companies were contributing to global climate change. The Court dismissed the claim, finding that the plaintiffs’ case could not be brought under common law theories because the field of clean air and what is prohibited air pollution is covered by the Clean Air Act, leaving no room for common law actions on that subject. Some experts have called the ruling in the Kivalina case “the end of climate change tort litigation.”[3] Still, it is important to look at possible common law remedies in environmental cases.
Trespass Based on Environmental
of the most significant environmental torts under the common law are brought
based on theories of trespass. The elements that make up a civil claim for
trespass can vary, but its origins are in the common law. Under the Second
Restatement of Torts, a uniform guideline on common law causes of action,
trespass means entering land possessed by another person or causing a third
party to do so. If the person or object remains on the land despite the
culprit’s duty to remove it, there is a trespass under the common law.[4]
is a useful environmental tort because civil claims can be based on the
unlawful intrusion of objects onto a person’s land. Historically, courts have
recognized that environmental pollution can qualify as trespassing. These
include small amounts of matter that migrate onto a plaintiff’s land, such as gasoline
that leaks from underground storage tanks on neighboring properties or small
lead deposits emitted from nearby factories.[5]
If a defendant allows a physical contaminant to escape from her control and
enter onto another’s land, she may be liable for trespass under the common law.
Still, it’s important to note that contaminants are physical matter. Things like radiation, noise and vibrations can be harmful or damaging to human health and the natural environment, but since they do not qualify as physical objects, they can’t form the basis for a trespass action. In these cases, plaintiffs may seek relief through private or public nuisance actions instead.
Public and Private Nuisance
and private nuisance law strikes a balance between property owners’ rights to
use and enjoy their property and other people’s rights to engage in lawful
activities. Some view the development of nuisance law as an early form of land use
planning, since it regulates what activities are allowed in which areas.[6]
By preventing disruptive or unhealthy activities in certain areas, both public
and private nuisance actions are effective tools for combating environmental
how similar they sound, public nuisance and private nuisance are very different
actions. Public nuisance actions arise when a defendant’s activity unreasonably
interferes with the use of public property. For example, if a defendant causes
a tree to fall and block a public road, he may be liable for a public nuisance.[7]
State or local agencies are typically the plaintiffs in public nuisance
actions, since they are the ones entitled to represent the public interest in
New York v. Schenectady Chemical Company applied
public nuisance theories to create liability for pollution.[8]
There, the state brought a civil action for public nuisance against a private
company that hired an independent contractor who dumped polluting chemicals into
ground water resources. New York pursued the case “in its role as guardian of
the environment.”[9]
The court found that the defendant’s improper disposal of its dangerous wastes
constituted a public nuisance, as the company’s actions unreasonably endangered
the public health and welfare.
nuisance claims protect individual property rights. In a private nuisance
action, a defendant is liable if he intentionally and unreasonably invades the use
of the plaintiff’s land. A defendant’s interference is determined to be
unreasonable based on the harm it creates and based on whether the actions
produce more harm than good.[10]
nuisance actions complement trespass actions because they account for activity
that interferes with the use of the plaintiff’s land without physically
touching it. For example, the landmark case of Boomer v. Atlantic Cement Company found that a cement company
created a private nuisance for nearby landowners due to the noise and
vibrations it created.[11]
Because the cement company’s activities were intentional and unreasonable, it
was legally liable for the damage the disruptions caused to adjoining
The Boomer court found the defendant’s activities to be a private nuisance but denied the plaintiff’s request to enjoin the defendant from continuing its business. Instead, it determined that the proper remedy was to require the cement company to compensate affected landowners. The Boomer court struck a balance between the cement company’s lawful but disruptive activities and the neighboring landowners’ ability to use and enjoy their properties.
Strict Liability for Environmental
In some
cases, people are liable for their actions even without any fault, negligence
or intentionally wrongful conduct. Where applied, that the
defendant caused the harm is enough to establish liability.[12]
While most types of actions require fault, strict liability is typically
applied where a person harbors wild or dangerous animals[13] or engages
in abnormally dangerous activities.
Activities are abnormally dangerous if they create a
foreseeable and highly significant risk of physical harm regardless of safety
For example, if an amateur scientist were to experiment with radioactive materials
in his garage, this would most likely qualify as an abnormally dangerous
activity subject to strict liability if his experiments cause any damage.
in these activities assumes the risk of any resulting harm, regardless of
fault. Strict liability is also imposed where manufacturing defects in
mass-produced products cause injuries.
have been developed that apply strict liability to various types of
environmental releases, but strict liability for various categories of
activities, including pollution, has its roots in the common law. One of the
seminal cases establishing strict liability for environmental pollution was Rylands v. Fletcher, which involved
improperly stored coal debris contaminating a nearby mine. That case established
the precedent for strict liability applied to environmental releases that is
still relevant today. It held that "the
person who brings on his lands and keeps there anything likely to do mischief
if it escapes, must keep it in at his peril."[15]
The case of Branch v. Western Petroleum Inc. provides a prime example of how strict liability theories can apply to environmental pollution.[16] In Branch, the defendant company disposed of contaminated water in underground wells, but because the geology in the area was permeable, the pollution seeped into the Branch’s wells, making them unusable. The court determined that the defendant was strictly liable for the water pollution that escaped from its land and highlighted several cases that applied strict liability to environmental contamination, holding that keeping noxious chemicals on one’s land is an abnormally dangerous activity that can give rise to strict liability.[17]
Lawsuits Against Public Participation is a phrase developed by legal scholars
to describe the trend of lawsuits brought by powerful entities to intimidate
opponents.[18] Corporate
plaintiffs have sometimes brought SLAPP suits against environmental
organizations when high-profit development projects are on the line and
environmental impacts are a concern.
suit may, for example, be a developer’s suit against an environmental protester
who had announced opposition to the developer’s project for defamation. While
the developer may realize that the defamation action won’t ultimately succeed,
it may scare off the protestor (who may not have the money to hire an attorney
to defend the action) and may scare off other potential protectors. Anti-SLAPP
laws impose penalties on companies who bring SLAPP suits.[19]
example, a multi-national logging company called Resolute Forest Products
brought a 2016 lawsuit against Greenpeace in response to a Greenpeace public
relations campaign aimed at stopping what it considered unsustainable logging
in the Boreal forest. The lawsuit alleged defamation, fraud and even
Greenpeace has also been sued over its campaign against the Dakota Access
A District
Court in the Northern District of California found that it qualified as a SLAPP
suit, enabling remedies that included dismissing its claims.[22]
Greenpeace has alleged on its website that such “lawsuits, designed to silence
criticism, are textbook examples of SLAPPs.”[23]
module laid out the common law foundation for environmental actions based on
trespass, public nuisance, private nuisance, and strict liability. Next, we’ll focus
on statutory and administrative laws developed to protect human health and the
environment, starting with the federal Clean Air Act and its implementing
[3] Quin Sorenson, Native Village of Kivalina v. ExxonMobil Corp.: The end of “climate change” tort litigation?, 44 ABA Env. Energy. and Res. Newsletter 3 (2013) available at https://www.americanbar.org/publications/trends/2012_13/january_february/native_village_kivalina_v_exxonmobil_corp_end_climate_change_tort_litigation.html.
[5] Hogg v. Chevron USA, Inc., 45 So. 3d 991 (La. 2010); Borland v. Sanders Lead Co., Inc., 369 So. 2d 523 (Ala. 1979).
[8] 459 N.Y.S. 2d 971 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. Rensselaer Co. 1983).
[9] Id. at 982.
[11] 257 N.E.2d 870 (N.Y. Ct. App. 1970)
[14] Id. at § 20
[16] 657 P.2d 267 (Utah 1982).
[17] Id. at 275.
[18] Public Participation Project, “What is a SLAPP?” (2018) https://anti-slapp.org/what-is-a-slapp/ (last visited Sept. 15, 2018).
[20] Matthew Parsons, “Lawsuit Against Greenpeace Raises Freedom of Speech Concerns,” Human Rights Watch (May 31, 2018) https://www.hrw.org/news/2018/05/31/lawsuit-against-greenpeace-raises-freedom-speech-concerns (last visited Sept. 15, 2018).
[22] https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/california/candce/3:2017cv02824/311874/173/