Drinking Water and Aquatic Resource Protection - Module 3 of 5
See Also:
Module 3: Drinking Water and Aquatic Resource Protection
Congress passed a major reorganization to the country’s water
pollution laws in 1972. The Clean Water Act, together with the Safe
Drinking Water Act of 1974, protects America’s aquatic resources, but the
natural complexity of our national watersheds also calls for additional and different
approaches to prevent water pollution.
This module discusses the policies and legal structures created by the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act. We’ll also cover how statutes function to protect our aquatic resources, including the regulation of water pollution, wastewater, stormwater, and public drinking water sources.
The Clean Water Act Aims to Protect and Restore America’s Waterways
Across the United States, lakes and
rivers connect to form watersheds that span across state boundaries, and these
waters are critical to our national infrastructure. Congress took early
precautions to protect them with the first major water pollution prevention law,
called the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, passed in 1948. The law
became known as the Clean Water Act after Congress passed a major overhaul to
the law in 1972. This updated law established the basic structure for
regulating harmful waste in the waters of the United States and allowed the Environmental
Protection Agency to create pollution control programs and set water quality
standards for all known contaminants in surface waters.
Perhaps most importantly, the Clean
Water Act made it illegal for any person to dispose of any pollutant from a “point
source” into open waterways except as allowed by permit granted by the
appropriate federal or state agency.[1]
A point source is “any single identifiable source of pollution from which
pollutants are discharged, such as a pipe, ditch, ship or factory smokestack.”[2]
We think of factories generating waste or sewage treatment plants as point
sources, but farms, irrigation canals and even forestry operations can also
qualify if their waste products qualify as pollutants.
Congress passed the Clean Water Act to
protect the quality, integrity, and usefulness of these waters. The stated
objective of the Clean Water Act is “to restore and maintain the chemical,
physical, and biological integrity of the Nation’s waters.”[3]
The Act addresses water pollution by
regulating point-source discharges, or any “discernable, confined, and discrete
conveyance,” of pollutants into the territorial waters of the United States.
[4] This
is an intentionally broad category. A point source discharge can be any
discrete disposal, including equipment such as a pipe or hose, man-made
ditches, industrial facilities, mining, or oil extraction. These discharges must
obtain a permit if they are dumping directly into surface water.[5]
Discharges also include municipal wastewater overflows, stormwater management,
discharges from animal feeding operations, commonly known as “CAFOs”, or any
other discrete or traceable contamination into a water source.[6]
While the Clean Water Act is
intentionally broad, it is not limitless. The law does not extend to non-point
sources, such as runoff carrying fertilizers and pesticides from over-irrigated
agricultural land. Unless the water is contaminated from a specific source, the
Clean Water Act does not apply. A direct discharge of pollutants only violates
the Clean Water Act if the pollution ends up in “waters of the United States,”
including streams, lakes, rivers, wetlands, coastal ocean, estuaries, and
tributaries that are connected to waters that are means of interstate commerce.[7]
Waters used in farming and ranching activities that are not connected to other
streams and rivers or ponds contained in private property and the like may be
beyond the reach of the Clean Water Act.
Over time, the federal courts have had
several opportunities to define exactly what qualify as waters protected by the
Clean Water Act. In the landmark case of Rapanos
v. United States, the U.S. Supreme Court was faced with the question of
whether an isolated wetland could be regulated under the Clean Water Act. The
Court ruled that wetlands may fall within the scope of the Clean Water Act, but
only if they are next to or connected to a navigable waterway. Because there
was no continuous connection between the wetland at issue in the Rapanos case and the rest of the waters
of the United States, the Clean Water Act did not apply.[8]
The Clean Water Act is administered by the Environmental Protection Agency, which monitors water quality and regulates compliance of environmental laws within local governments, and has the authority to issue administrative orders under the law and seek civil or criminal penalties for violators.[9] The Agency protects the public health and welfare by using programs based on the latest science and technology, and serves a role in monitoring, implementing and issuing permits under the Clean Water Act. However, the law allows for this authority to be delegated in part to state environmental agencies, which also play an important role in enforcing the laws.
Cooperation Under the Clean Water Act
The Clean Water Act works to address
pollution problems and promote agreement among the community by relying on a
framework of cooperative federalism. In other words, both the states and the
federal government play important roles in carrying out the law. The state
environmental agencies and the EPA perform important functions under programs
created by the Clean Water Act, including the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System, designed to improve water quality.
The National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System, or NPDES (pronounced “Nip-Dees”) permit program
controls point sources that discharge pollutants into the waters of the United
States. Point sources can discharge pollutants into waters without penalty if
they obtain a permit issued through the NPDES program. These permits are issued
to facilities that discharge any materials directly into surface waters.
Examples of facilities that commonly require NPDES permits include factories,
industrial buildings, and municipal facilities.
The Clean Water Act allows for enforcement from the EPA to the states, and NPDES compliance monitoring takes place at the state level, with state environmental agencies issuing and enforcing permits. The Environmental Protection Agency oversees the authorized state agencies to carry out the NPDES program within their borders and directly applies the program for states that chose not to delegate under the Clean Water Act. [10]
Protection, Stormwater Runoff, and Other Programs Under the Clean Water Act
The Clean Water Act requires the adoption
of water quality standards, and monitors waters affected by pollution, lists
impaired or threatened waters, and sets limits for total maximum daily pollution
that is necessary to restore a waterbody. The law also creates a nationwide
program for the protection of America’s wetland resources and the prevention of
water pollution from stormwater runoff.
The Clean Water Act requires the EPA and
the states to develop and enforce drainage limitations to help protect waters.
These limitations are on the quantity, rate, or concentration of a pollutant
that is coming out of the point source.[11]
The Clean Water Act authorizes either the Environmental Protection Agency or
the individual states to set clear water quality standards that help experts
determine what pollutant limitations should be applied to properly protect a
body of water. The EPA must publish the state’s water quality standards if the
state fails to do so. In addition, the EPA must compile a report to Congress every
other year to ensure the nation’s water quality goals are being met.[12]
The Clean Water Act also includes a ban on
the filling of wetlands. The goal of the Clean Water Act’s wetlands protection
program is to minimize losses to waters and to compensate for unavoidable
losses through restoration. Like the NPDES program, anyone seeking to dredge or
fill a regulated wetland must obtain a permit under the Clean Water Act, which will
not be issued if either:
There is a practical alternative
that is less damaging to the environment, or
If the wetlands would be damaged by
the activity.
Applicants seeking permits to dredge or
fill wetlands must show that steps have been taken to avoid a negative impact
and that compensation will be provided for any remaining unavoidable impact.[13] The
Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corp of Engineers are both
responsible for implementing the Clean Water Act’s wetland protection policies,
including on-site investigations and enforcement actions against unpermitted
The last key program under the Clean Water Act is the identification and regulation of toxic water pollutants. The Toxic Pollutant List includes pollutants known to be hazardous to human health. Individual pollutants known to harm human health are known as priority pollutants, and there are currently 126 priority water pollutants directly regulated by the EPA.[15] Because they are so dangerous, toxic and priority water pollutants have strict limitations. Anyone discharging these pollutants must use the best technology economically available and set pre-treatment standards to help prevent their damaging effects.[16]
Safe Drinking
Water Act
The Clean Water Act does not extend to all our
aquatic resources. In fact, much of the country gets its drinking water from
underground water sources (such as wells), which are largely not covered by
pollution prevention programs.[17]
To protect the quality of our nation’s waters that are potentially public
drinking waters, Congress Passed the Safe Drinking Water Act in 1974.[18]
This law focuses on all waters that are
or may be designed for drinking or for other potable use. It includes rivers,
lakes, reservoirs, springs and groundwater wells. Along with
federal, state, and tribal regulatory partners, the Environmental Protection
Agency works to protect human health and the environment through the Safe
Drinking Water Act to ensure that the laws and regulations are being obeyed.
The Safe Drinking Water Act arose in
response to public concern over the health, aesthetic and recreational impacts
of deteriorating environmental conditions. In 1960, the United States Public
Health Service found that more than half of drinking water systems failed to
meet proper standards regarding disinfection, clarification, or water pressure. The
Environmental Defense Fund also published a report in 1974 that linked cancer
deaths in New Orleans to contaminated drinking water sourced from the
Mississippi River.[19]
By this point, Congress was compelled to act.
The Safe Drinking Water Act authorized
the Environmental Protection Agency to establish standards to protect tap water.
To ensure these standards are being met, the EPA conducts on-site visits and
reviews information local governments submit about their public drinking water
sources. If water sampling results show that a contaminant is present at an
unsafe level, the EPA must work with the state to prevent or remove
contaminants. Consumers affected by the contamination must be notified about
the conditions of their public drinking water.[20]
Contaminants regulated by the Safe
Drinking Water Act must meet certain criteria. First, the contaminant must have
the potential to create adverse health effects. Second, there must be a
substantial likelihood that it will appear in public water systems at a level to
cause concern. Finally, the EPA or implementing state agencies may only
regulate contaminants if it would reduce the public health risk.
The Safe Drinking Water Act allows the
EPA to delegate authority to state environmental agencies. To date, 49 states
have assumed administrative control over the supervision of public water supplies. [21] The recent
boom in natural gas from a modern extraction process known as hydraulic
fracturing has created new problems in the cooperative rule established by the
law. Hydraulic fracturing (sometimes referred to as “fracking”) involves the
injection of massive amounts of fluid into underground areas that may contain
groundwater resources. Both the injection of fluid and the potential
contamination of a drinking water source are activities regulated by the Safe
Drinking Water Act, but each state has created its own rules regarding
hydraulic fracturing. This has raised concerns that under-regulation in this
field will threaten water safety and human health, because many state agencies don’t
have thorough restrictions on hydraulic fracturing activities.[22]
The Clean Water Act
and the Safe Drinking Water Act are two federal laws that form the backbone of
our nation’s system of environmental protection. One of the cornerstone
programs that the EPA
administers under the Clean Water Act is the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System, which helps the nation enforce its prohibition on direct discharges of
water pollution. The EPA safeguards human health by enforcing the Safe Drinking
Water Act, ensuring that public drinking water sources are protected.[23] In
our next module, we’ll turn to the regulation of various types of contaminants
in interstate commerce, including those spread by water, air and other methods.
[1] EPA, History of the Clean Water Act, https://www.epa.gov/laws-regulations/history-clean-water-act (Last Visited Sept. 24, 2018).
[6] EPA, Clean Water Act Compliance Monitoring, https://www.epa.gov/compliance/clean-water-act-cwa-compliance-monitoring (Last Viewed Sept. 24, 2018).
[10] EPA, Clean Water Act Compliance Monitoring, https://www.epa.gov/compliance/clean-water-act-cwa-compliance-monitoring (Last Viewed Sept. 24, 2018).
[13] EPA, Section 404 Permit Program, https://www.epa.gov/cwa-404/section-404-permit-program (Last Viewed Sept. 24, 2018).
[14] EPA, Clean Water Act Compliance Monitoring, https://www.epa.gov/compliance/clean-water-act-cwa-compliance-monitoring (Last Viewed Sept. 24, 2018).
[15] EPA, Toxic and Priority Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act, https://www.epa.gov/eg/toxic-and-priority-pollutants-under-clean-water-act (Last Viewed Oct. 9, 2018).
[19] Richard Weinmeyer, Annalise Norling, Margaret Kawarski, and Estelle Higgins, The Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 and Its Role in Providing Access to Safe Drinking Water in the United States, 19 AMA Journal of Ethics 1018, 1019 (2017) available at https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/sites/journalofethics.ama-assn.org/files/2018-05/hlaw1-1710.pdf.)
[20] EPA, Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Compliance Monitoring, https://www.epa.gov/compliance/safe-drinking-water-act-sdwa-compliance-monitoring (Last Viewed Sept. 25, 2018).
[21] Richard Weinmeyer, Annalise Norling, Margaret Kawarski, and Estelle Higgins, The Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 and Its Role in Providing Access to Safe Drinking Water in the United States, 19 AMA Journal of Ethics 1018, 1020 (2017) available at https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/sites/journalofethics.ama-assn.org/files/2018-05/hlaw1-1710.pdf.)
[22] Angela C. Cupas, The Not-So-Safe Drinking Water Act: Why We Must Regulate Hydraulic Fracturing at the Federal Level, 33 Wm. & Mary Envtl. L. & Pol'y Rev. 605 (2009) (available at http://scholarship.law.wm.edu/wmelpr/vol33/iss2/7).
[23] EPA, Water Enforcement, https://www.epa.gov/enforcement/water-enforcement (Last Viewed Sept. 25, 2018).