module 2, we will discuss various types of speech and the different levels of
protection they are afforded. These include religious speech (where freedoms of
speech and religion intersect), student speech, anonymous speech and even some
forms of “hate” speech. We will also discuss non-verbal forms of expression
that are protected by the First Amendment.
module 3, we will turn to unprotected speech that the government may control or
prohibit. This includes some forms of commercial speech (such as dishonest or
misleading advertising), incitement, obscenity, criminal conspiracies and
copyright infringement.
4 covers the freedoms of assembly, petition and association, all protected
under the First Amendment. We will cover the extent of these freedoms and when
the government can place reasonable time, place and manner restrictions on
speech, assembly and protest.
module 5 covers freedom of the press. We will look at how freedom of the press
intersects with defamation and the interests of the government in conducting
criminal investigations. We will also look at the constitutional right to
privacy and how it relates to the freedoms in the First Amendment.
you complete this course, you will understand the First Amendment rights, their
frameworks and limitations. You should also understand how these rights have
developed and been interpreted by the Supreme Court in many series of landmark
of luck and we welcome your feedback.
Freedom of Speech