The first module covers the National
Labor Relations Act, its history and background, along with the National Labor
Relations Board and its role and jurisdiction.
In module 2, we’ll turn to
labor unions. We’ll discuss how they are formed and operated. We’ll also cover
the strong federal protection of the right to form a union and the laws that
govern union elections and management.
In module 3, we’ll segue to
non-union employees. We’ll look at protections against compulsory membership in
unions (especially in “right-to-work” states). We’ll also cover the varying
state rules in how far this protection goes. We’ll cover the benefits non-union
employees often get from union activities and their responsibilities in
exchange for the same.
In module 4, we move to the
collective bargaining process, looking at the responsibilities of employees and
employers and the good faith negotiation requirement. We’ll also focus on
collective bargaining agreements (hopefully, the result of the process) and the
extent to which they are enforceable.
Finally, we’ll look at what
happens when collective bargaining fails and, in module 5, cover labor
disputes. We’ll look at strikes and lockouts and the rules that pertain to
those, including protections against termination or retaliation that sometimes
protect striking workers. We’ll also look at how labor disputes can be settled
through litigation, arbitration, mediation or administrative adjudication.
When you complete this course,
you should have a better understanding of what labor law is, what it protects
and how it works, and an understanding of the dynamics of negotiations between
employers and employees.
Best of luck and we welcome
your feedback.
EMP-201: Labor Relations