Death Penalty in the United States
Capital punishment in
the United States is an ever-evolving issue. Early in our country’s history,
the death penalty was applied to seemingly trivial offenses like trading with Native
Americans and horse theft. On the other hand, many states today have completely
abolished the death penalty. These two extremes illustrate the ambivalent
relationship the US legal system has with the death penalty.
This presentation will
briefly explore the most crucial aspects of the death penalty in the United
States and discuss when the death penalty applies and where it’s imposed, the
evolution of views on the death penalty, when the death penalty may not be
applied and an overview of the modern methods of execution.
Some crimes are
considered so heinous that the state can impose the death penalty on the
perpetrator convicted of that crime. These crimes are called “capital crimes.” The
punishment for a capital crime is death, which is imposed and carried out by
the state. Capital crimes are usually versions of murder. However, other possible
capital crimes include espionage, treason, trafficking large quantities of
drugs[1] and aggravated kidnapping.[2] Finally, certain classes
of offenders, such as minors, may never have the death penalty imposed on them
no matter how heinous the crime.
Currently, 31 states[3], the federal government,
and the military can, by their own laws, impose the death penalty. In addition,
four states have the death penalty on the books but have governors who have
declared a moratorium on capital punishment.[4] It should be noted that
even when people are sentenced to death, a majority of cases result in the
death sentences being overturned on appeal, either through a change in sentence
(usually to life in prison) or overturning the conviction.[5]
The Evolution
of the Modern Death Penalty in the United States
For most of the history
of the United States, the Supreme Court did not weigh in on the
constitutionality of the death penalty. Instead, the Court left the issue to
the states. In 1972, however, the Court issued a landmark decision on the death
penalty that marks the beginning of modern death penalty law.
In Furman v. Georgia,[6]
the Court held the death penalty was then being applied arbitrarily and
inconsistently and thus amounted to cruel
and unusual punishment, which is disallowed under the Eighth Amendment of
the United States Constitution. The Court found that racial bias had been playing
a substantial role in the imposition of the death penalty and held that such a
sentencing structure failed to meet “prevailing
standards of civilized conduct.”[7]
The decision imposed a de
facto moratorium on the death penalty in all jurisdictions. Many states rushed
to revise their death penalty statutes to comply with the dictates of Furman. Four years later, those new
death penalty statutes were put to the test in Gregg v. Georgia.[8]
In Gregg, the defendant was convicted of two counts of armed robbery
and two counts of murder. After finding that two aggravating circumstances
existed, a jury sentenced Gregg to
death under Georgia’s new capital punishment statute. In Gregg, the Court held that death penalty statutes could be
constitutional if they did not suffer the defects that prompted the Court to
stop executions in Furman.
The Court’s primary
concern in Furman was that since
juries had insufficient guidance, they could impose the death penalty arbitrarily
and inconsistently. However, the new Georgia death penalty statute required
that the jury find a statutorily approved aggravating factor. Since the jury’s
ability to impose the death penalty was curtailed by the legislature, the death
penalty could not be imposed in an arbitrary and inconsistent manner.[9]
Death Penalty Is Not Allowed
Furman and Gregg, most death penalty decisions have focused on whether applicable
statutes have met the requirements under Gregg.
These decisions have established that the death penalty
is inappropriate in some cases. For example, the death penalty is NOT a
permitted punishment where:
defendant was convicted of a non-fatal assault,
was no intent to kill,
defendants, and
disabled defendants.
In 1977, the Supreme
Court ruled that non-fatal rape was not a capital crime. [10]
In Coker v. Georgia, the defendant,
an escaped felon, had raped a woman during the commission of an armed robbery. He
was sentenced to death for the non-fatal rape. The Court stated that the death
penalty was grossly disproportionate and excessive punishment where the
defendant did “not unjustifiably take human life.”
For thirty years, Coker was applied only to cases where the victim was an adult. Some
states still classified child rape as a capital offense. However, in 2008, the Supreme
Court ruled that these laws were unconstitutional. The death penalty cannot be
imposed for a non-fatal assault, regardless of the victim’s age.[11]
In that case, Kennedy v. Louisiana, the
Court ruled that the death penalty could be imposed only for an intent-to-kill
Intent to Kill
to kill is not always necessary for a murder conviction. For example, murder
may apply where death resulted from conduct that evinces a depraved
indifference to human life or when a death occurs during the course or
continuance of the commission of a felony.[12] However, the death
penalty can only be imposed where there is an intent to kill. Capital murder
requires specific intent to cause death.[13]
In 2005, the Supreme Court
made the death penalty unconstitutional for someone who committed the crime
before the age of 18.[14]
In setting aside the death sentence of a
17 year-old murderer, the Court reasoned that children under the age of 18:
underdeveloped senses of maturity,
more susceptible to negative external pressures, and
not have a character that is “as well formed as that of an adult.”
Disabled Defendant
In 2002, although Daryl
Atkins had abducted, robbed and murdered his victim, the Supreme Court
prevented his execution because he was evaluated and determined to be mentally
impaired by an expert evaluator. [15] The Court reasoned that mentally impaired
defendants are not as culpable as typical defendants. Additionally, the death
penalty’s effectiveness in deterring potential murderers is reduced when the
criminal is mentally impaired. The Court left the determination of what constitutes
mental impairment to the states. Until 2014, many states used a standard IQ
test to determine mental capacity. In 2014, the Court held that IQ alone was
not enough and required courts to consider other factors.[16]
As of 2017, many states are still in the process of determining factors to
determine a defendant’s competency.[17]
of Execution
Methods of execution
vary state-by-state and depend on states’ histories and court decisions. Still,
lethal injection is, far and away, the primary method of execution in the
United States.
Since 1982, 32 states,
the federal government, and the military have adopted lethal injection as their
primary method of execution. From 1982 to 1992, authorities developed a
three-drug protocol of sodium thiopental, pancuronium bromide, and potassium
chloride to cause death. Beginning in 2009, that protocol began to change. Presently,
eight states use a one-drug protocol, an overdose of an anesthetic, and the other
entities continue to use multiple drug protocols. [18]
states have secondary methods of execution, which permit them to execute
criminals in other manners. States have secondary methods of execution
available for two reasons. First, some states allow the convicted person the
choice of how to be executed. Second, some states want to be prepared in case
lethal injection is found to be unconstitutional or the necessary drugs become
The secondary method of execution varies from state to
state. For
example, upon the choice of the condemned, Alabama allows execution by
electrocution, Arizona by gas chamber, Delaware by hanging, and Mississippi by
firing squad.
Most states and the
federal government still employ the death penalty. However, they can only do so
within a limited set of circumstances. The Supreme Court’s approach to death
penalty cases has cause a trend away from capital punishment. Our nation’s
views on the death penalty are constantly evolving. These viewpoint changes
will undoubtedly impact death penalty laws in the future.
[1] 18 U.S.C. 3591(b)
[2] Ex. Colorado:
C.R.S. 18-3-301.
[3] The 19 states that do not have the
death penalty are: Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa,
Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New
York, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin. Also the
District of Columbia.
[4] Colorado, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Oregon.
[5] Washington Post, March 17, 2015.
[6] Furman
v. Georgia, 408 U.S. 238 (1972).
[7] State
v. Gardner, 947 P.2d 630, 646 (1997).
[8] Gregg
v. Georgia, 428 U.S. 153 (1976).
[9] Id.
at 206-07.
[10] Coker
v. Georgia, 433 U.S. 584 (1977).
[11] Kennedy
v. Louisiana, 554 U.S. 407 (2008).
[12] See,
e.g., N.Y. Pen. Law § 125.25
[13] See Kennedy
v. Louisiana, 554 U.S. 407 (2008).
[14] Roper
v. Simmons, 543 U.S. 551 (2005).
[15] Atkins
v. Virginia, 536 U.S. 304 (2002).
[16] 134 S. Ct. 1986 (2014).
[17] Moore
v. Texas, 137 S. Ct. 1039 (2017).