of Justice
On July 27, 1974, the House
Judiciary Committee voted to impeach President Richard Nixon for his role in
the Watergate scandal, which led to his resignation before he could be
impeached.[1] The first paragraph of Article
1 of the Articles of Impeachment alleged that President Nixon violated his
constitutional oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the
United States and that he had “prevented, obstructed, and impeded the
administration of justice.”[2] Nixon had allegedly done
this by “interfering or endeavoring to interfere with the conduct of
investigations by the Department of Justice of the United States and the
Federal Bureau of Investigation” when he tried to cover up, conceal, and
protect agents of the Committee for the Re-election of the President who were
responsible for breaking into the headquarters of the Democratic National
Committee on June 17, 1972.[3]
Obstruction of justice is an offense
that criminalizes any conduct in which a person willfully interferes with the orderly
administration of justice.[4] Impeding, influencing, or
obstructing any legal proceeding before a federal agency, court, or even Congress,
could all potentially be considered obstruction of justice.
Federal statutes criminalize an
array of conduct as “obstruction of justice.” 18 U.S.C. Sections 1501 through 1521
provides the litany of activities that can be considered obstruction of justice.
These sections identify more than 20 types of obstruction, such as influencing
or injuring an officer or juror, obstruction of criminal investigations, tampering
with a witness, victim, or an informant.
The elements required for a
conviction on an obstruction of justice charge differ slightly by statute. For example,
the government must prove the following elements for a conviction under 18
U.S.C. § 1503, which protects jurors as well as judicial officers from influence
or injury:[5]
was a pending federal judicial proceeding;
defendant knew of the proceeding; and
defendant had corrupt intent to interfere with or attempted to interfere with
the proceeding.
For a person to be found violating 18
U.S.C. § 1512, which protects witnesses, victims, and informants from any type
of tampering, the government must prove that the defendant:[6]
defendant knowingly engaged in intimidation, physical force, threats, misleading
conduct, or corrupt persuasion toward another person; and
defendant had the intent to influence, delay, or prevent testimony or cause any
person to withhold a record, object, document, or testimony from an official
The two elements that the government
must satisfy in any obstruction of justice allegation are the “knowledge” and
“proceeding” components. The “knowledge” or “intent” element requires that the
actor proceed “knowingly … with intent to
impede, obstruct, or influence.”[7] This language requires the
prosecution to prove consciousness of wrongdoing and the person charged with
obstruction of justice must have acted with intent and must have been aware
that he was interfering or impeding the administration of justice.[8] An 1893 case, Pettibone v. United States, that
continues to help courts interpret the knowledge element, the United States
Supreme Court stated that “general malevolence has no applicability” to obstruction
of justice claims.[9]
Someone accused of obstruction of justice must have specific intent and
knowledge that he was interfering with a proceeding.
Now let’s move to the “judicial proceeding”
element. There doesn’t necessarily need to be a trial in court for someone to
take part in obstruction of justice.[10] Courts have refrained
from developing a “rigid rule” to determine when a proceeding is pending. It’s
a fluid determination and applicable to some activities, but not applicable to
others. Courts have repeatedly held that interfering with a police investigation
alone is not enough to trigger an obstruction of justice statute.[11] This is because a police
investigation doesn’t arise to the level of “judicial” proceeding.[12] A grand jury
investigation, however, which is an investigation to determine whether probable
cause exists to believe that someone has committed a crime,[13] does qualify as a pending
judicial proceeding[14] because there is
meaningful judicial supervision and extensive court involvement in the grand
jury proceeding.[15]
Obstruction of justice under federal
statutes is punishable by up to five years in prison. However, the punishment imposed
will vary depending on the applicable statute. The best way to really understand
this is to examine several obstruction of justice statutes and compare the
punishments associated with these crimes. 18 U.S.C. § 1505, which criminalizes
obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, the House of
Representatives and Congressional committees, is punishable by a fine and
imprisonment of up to five years.[16] 18 U.S.C. § 1503, the
statute that classifies influencing or injuring a juror or an officer of the
court, makes that conduct punishable by a fine and a prison sentence of a
maximum of ten years.[17]
Like the federal government, states broadly
define obstruction of justice to include tampering with evidence, jurors,
public records, or witnesses and victims as well as refusing to aid law
enforcement officials.[18] Most states have also
classified obstruction of justice as a felony. For example, in Illinois,
destroying evidence, which is a form of obstruction of justice, is a Class 4
Felony punishable by up to three years in prison and a $25,000 fine.[19] As another example, In
Washington state, the crime of “obstructing a law enforcement officer” is a gross
misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of up to $5,000 and imprisonment in a
county jail for a maximum of 364 days.[20]
Federal and state statutes account for
the fact that so many different types of behavior can be viewed as
“obstructing” justice. The common thread in these laws that specifically
proscribe destroying, falsifying or secreting evidence, secreting witnesses, or
influencing witnesses to testify falsely is that they protect against
deliberate efforts to undermine the truth-seeking process.
Jason Waggoner, “Crime and Ambition:
Richard Nixon and Watergate,” http://ashbrook.org/publications/respub-v5n1-waggoner/,
(April 1994).
Articles of Impeachment Adopted by the House of Representatives Committee on
the Judiciary
July 27, 1974, http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=76082.
Andrew McCarthy, “The President’s Power
to End a Criminal Investigation,” http://www.nationalreview.com/article/447801/obstruction-justice-president-can-end-criminal-investigation,
(May 20, 2017).
Eliza Relman, “Trump is reportedly being
investigated for obstruction of justice — here's what that is,” http://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-obstruction-of-justice-donald-trump-impeachment-nixon-clinton-news-2017-6,
(June 15, 2017).
18 U.S.C. § 1503
Jeffrey Kallstrom, “Obstruction of
Justice,” 38 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 1081, (2001).
Samuel Buell, “Adjudicating the Guilty
Mind: On the Mental State of Consciousness of Wrongdoing,” 75 Law & Contemp.
Prob. 133, (2012).
United States v. Stevens, 771 F.
Supp. 2d 556, (2011).
Pettibone v. United States, 148 U.S.
197, (1893).
United States v. Davis, 183 F.3d 231,
United States v. Brown, 688 F.2d 596,
Caroline Kenny, “What is a grand jury?,”
http://www.cnn.com/2017/08/03/politics/what-is-a-grand-jury/index.html, (August
4, 2017).
United States v. Walasek, 527 F.2d
676, 678 (3d Cir. 1975).
18 U.S.C. § 1505.
18 U.S.C. § 1503.
John Decker, “The Varying Parameters of
Obstruction of Justice in American Criminal Law,” 65 La. L. Rev. 49,