Matter Jurisdiction in Federal Court, continued: Diversity Jurisdiction
Federal courts are courts of “limited”
jurisdiction. This means that federal judicial power extends only to specific
and limited types of cases. In our previous presentation, we looked at federal
question jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Next, we turn to federal subject
matter jurisdiction under section 1332, based on diversity of citizenship.
Diversity jurisdiction applies when the
plaintiff and defendant are from different states and the amount in controversy
is more than $75,000. If there are multiple plaintiffs and multiple defendants,
no plaintiff can be from the same state as any defendant.[1] So, for example, if
plaintiffs from Texas, Georgia and Illinois jointly sue three defendants from
Missouri, Maine and New Jersey, there is diversity jurisdiction. However, if
plaintiffs from Texas, Georgia and Illinois jointly sued three defendants from
Missouri, one from Georgia and two from New Jersey, there is no diversity jurisdiction
because a plaintiff and a defendant each hail from Georgia.
The rationale behind diversity of
citizenship jurisdiction was discussed by the Supreme Court in the case Guaranty Trust Co. v. York,[2] where the Court reasoned
that “Diversity jurisdiction is founded
on assurance to nonresident litigants of courts free from susceptibility to
potential local bias.”
Diversity jurisdiction is based on the
“citizenship” of the parties. While citizenship of a country is a well-defined
term, citizenship of the state is more complex as it is seldom relevant for any
other purpose. The general rule is that a person is a citizen of the state in
which she is “domiciled,” which means the state in which she makes her
permanent home.[3]
Domicile has two basic elements: residing in the state and intent to stay in
the state for the foreseeable future.
Domicile is not the same thing as “residence,”
as a person may have more than one residence, but can only have one
domicile.[4] In Williamson v. Osenton,[5] the Supreme Court
clarified this rule. There, the ex-wife of a West Virginia citizen moved to Virginia,
where she then brought an action against her ex-husband in federal court.
Though her husband argued that her move to Virginia was solely for purposes of
the divorce, the Supreme Court held that since domicile is determined at the
time the complaint is filed, the wife had provided enough evidence that
Virginia was her new domicile, as she was in Virginia and intended to stay
there. That she had been there for only a short period of time was irrelevant.
As corporations can also be parties to
federal actions, it is also often necessary to determine the citizenship of a
corporation. The rule there is that a corporation is a citizen of each state in
which it is incorporated and the one state in which it has its “principal place
of business.”[6]
As a result, a corporation can be a citizen of many states, as a business may
incorporate in as many states as it chooses.
Different courts adopted different
approaches to define “principal place of business” until 2010, when the Supreme
Court endorsed the “nerve center” approach to principal place of business
determination in the case Hertz Corp. v. Friend.[7] Under this approach, the
principal place of business is the “nerve center” of the business, which means
the state where the corporate headquarters are located and from which the
corporation’s highest officers control, coordinate, and direct its activities.[8]
The amount in controversy must exceed
$75,0000, exclusive of interest and costs.[9] The amount in controversy
means the minimum judgment that could be supported “by competent proof.”[10] Competent proof means
evidence supported by estimates or reasonable accounting methods, which need
not necessarily be formal.
If multiple claims are brought by one
plaintiff against one defendant, the total dollar amount of all claims can be
aggregated to reach the $75,000 threshold. However, if one person brings claims
against multiple defendants and each one is based on a different cause of
action, these cannot be aggregated to satisfy the threshold.[11] [12]
important to note that most diversity of citizenship cases (and many federal
question cases) are instances of “concurrent jurisdiction.” This means that
these cases can be brought in federal court or in state court. However, if the
case is eligible to be brought in federal court and is brought in state court
instead, the other party may “remove” the case to federal court. In other
words, if there is federal subject matter jurisdiction, either party may decide
that the case should be heard in federal court. It stays in state court only if
both parties agree to leave it there.
There are, however, certain types of
cases that can only be brought in federal court. These are cases in which
federal courts have “exclusive” jurisdiction. Examples of cases in which
federal courts have exclusive jurisdiction include bankruptcy filings,[13] seizures of property
under federal law[14] and federal criminal
While federal courts are courts of
limited jurisdiction, they have original and sometimes exclusive jurisdiction
where the case is based on federal law and concurrent jurisdiction with the
states when there is diversity of citizenship and the amount in controversy is
more than $75,000.
[1] Hertz
Corp. v. Friend, 559 U.S. 77 (2010).
[2] 326 US 99 (1945)
[3] Galva
Foundry Co. v.Heiden, 924 F.2d 729, 730 (7th Cir.1991)
[4] Robertson
v. Cease, 97 U.S. 646, (1878).
[5] 232 U.S. 619 (1914)
[6] Smoot
v. Mazda Motors of Am., Inc., 469 F.3d 675, (7th Cir. 2006)
[7] 559 U.S. 77 (2010)
[8] Peter Oh, “A Jurisdictional Approach To
Collapsing Corporate Distinctions,” 55 Rutgers L. Rev. 389, (2003).
[9] 28 U.S.C. §1332 (a)
[10] McNutt
v. General Motors Acceptance Corp., 298 U.S. 178, (1936).
[11] Jewell
v. Grain Dealers Mut. Ins. Co., 290 F.2d 11, (1961).
[12] Middle
Tenn. News Co. v. Charnel of Cincinnati, 250 F.3d 1077, (2001).
[13] 28 U.S.C. § 1334
[14] 28 U.S.C. § 1356
[15] 18 U.S.C. § 2338