protection constitutes one of the most common legal tasks that attorneys are
asked to assist with. While many people can go their whole lives without being
subject to the criminal justice system or to lawsuits, everybody with assets
wants to protect them to preserve them for future use and eventual distribution
to their heirs. Common estate planning procedures are replete with nuances that
help protect assets from vulnerability to potential creditors. Devices such as
trusts, retirement accounts and life insurance policies, aside from their main
functions, can often serve asset protection purposes.
it is common for people concerned with potential liability (especially
professionals whose professions makes them susceptible to lawsuits) to want to
consider transferring assets to protect them from possible creditors. In
determining whether such a transfer is advisable or effective, the first rule
that must be considered is the fraudulent conveyance (or fraudulent transfer)
fraudulent conveyance rule prevents people from gifting away assets to avoid
existing creditors. The general rule of thumb is that if the client already has
creditor problems before a transfer is made, there’s probably little that can
be done to shield assets from those creditors.[1] Family obligations such as
equitable distribution, alimony and especially child support, are similarly
difficult or impossible to evade by transferring the assets in question.[2]
rules regarding fraudulent transfers come from case law, the Uniform Fraudulent
Transfer Act[3]
and the United States Bankruptcy Code for cases that involve bankruptcy
There are two types of fraudulent transfers:
- “Actual” fraudulent transfers; and
- - “Constructive” fraudulent transfers.
Fraudulent Transfers
most common types of actual fraudulent transfers occur when the person who owes
money (the “debtor”) transfers assets after the debt arises with the purpose of
frustrating the abilities of the creditors to get at those assets.
look at a few examples. Imagine that Joe owes Bank of America $25,000 in credit
card debt. He has only $5,000 in his bank accounts. He gifts this $5,000 to his
daughter, Jane, and then declares bankruptcy or negotiates with Bank of
America, using the (accurate, now) argument that he has no money with which to
pay the bank. This is a classic actual fraudulent transfer, and it can be
undone by a court.
these purposes, the creditors need not necessarily have obtained judgments.
They need not, in fact, even have brought lawsuits. Any action to frustrate
even potential creditors can be actual fraudulent transfers. For example, if a
person has possibly committed a tort (such as negligently causing a car
accident) or has been involved in a transaction for which she thinks she may be
subjected to lawsuits, and then gifts assets to another person, this also would
likely be considered a fraudulent conveyance. Even though it is not clear that
she will be liable based on the accident or transaction, removing assets due to
potential liability for events that have already occurred is considered
same thing is true in the case of marital property division. A person who fears
losing assets or being subjected to alimony payments in a divorce proceeding
and thus gifts assets to another person to avoid having to share those assets,
has likewise engaged in a fraudulent conveyance.
Fraudulent Transfers
constructive fraudulent transfers rule was established because determining the
intent of a debtor who gifts assets is not always possible. A constructive
fraudulent transfer occurs when a person transfers assets for no consideration
or for less than market value at a time that he or she:
- Is insolvent; or
- - Is about to engage or is engaged in a transaction or business venture for which he had an unreasonably small amount of capital; or
- Intends to incur debts that cannot reasonably
be repaid.[5]
fraudulent transfer rules do vary based on the circumstances, and bankruptcy
law has very specific constructive fraudulent transfer rules when the debtor
declares bankruptcy after making the transfer, but these general principles
apply to all constructive fraudulent transfers. For these purposes, “insolvency”
may mean the inability to pay debts as they come due or that the debtor’s debts
are greater than the values of its assets.
Uniform Fraudulent Transfers Act adds that a gift transfer can be considered
fraudulent if the donor:
- was engaged or was about to engage in a
business or transaction for which the remaining assets of the debtor were
unreasonably small in relation to the business or transaction; or
- intended to incur, or believed or reasonably
should have believed that he would incur, debts that are beyond his ability to
pay as they become due.
there’s nothing inherently wrong with starting a business venture that is
undercapitalized, it must be remembered that constructive fraudulent transfers
are not criminal, or even civil, wrongs. They merely describe gift transactions
that can be unwound to ensure that creditors are not denied their abilities to
collect their just debts due to gifts they were unreasonable under the
important to note that it is NOT considered a fraudulent conveyance to transfer
property in anticipation of liability, which basis has not yet arisen. A doctor
can, for example, convey her house to her husband due to a fear of one day
being subjected to a medical malpractice claim. If the malpractice has not
already happened, there should be no problem with making this transfer. In
fact, this sort of maneuver is quite a common tool among professionals who are
at high risk of malpractice lawsuits. It is only once the basis for liability
has occurred (in the case of medical malpractice, this would be the treatment
gone wrong) that one may no longer gift assets to shield them from potential
asset protection is an import goal of many estate plans, it is important to
understand that there are limitations on the types of debts that can be
avoided. The fraudulent transfer rules are an excellent first place to look for
these limitations.
[1] See §4 of the Uniform Fraudulent
Transfer Act, available at http://www.bankerresource.com/articles/view.php?article_id=4904
[2] See,
e.g., Dinn v. Haynes, 705 So. 2d 686 (FL Ct. of App. 1998)
[4] 11 USC § 548