Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards in the United States
Without a doubt, Americans love to drive. Nationally,
U.S. drivers travelled a total of 3.15 trillion miles in 2015 alone, equivalent
to over 300 trips from Earth to Pluto and back. Driving has increased overall by about 35%
since 1990, and greenhouse emissions from the transportation sector have increased
substantially over this same period. [i] Mobile sources of air
pollution are currently responsible for about one-third of total U.S.
greenhouse gas emissions, with passenger cars and light trucks contributing the
majority share of this carbon footprint.[ii] Over the past decade, regulators combined
independently-developed programs at the federal and state levels to form a
cohesive system of vehicle greenhouse gas emission regulation.
The transportation sector’s carbon footprint, second only
to the electrical industry, is a major environmental issue that was all but
ignored by federal regulators until 2007.
In that year, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and several other
plaintiffs sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency because the agency was
not regulating greenhouse gasses emitted from motor vehicles. The plaintiffs in Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency[iii],
claimed that the Clean Air Act required the EPA to create standards for motor
vehicle emissions that could reasonably endanger public health or welfare. Because scientific evidence had documented
global climate change and related health and safety impacts of rising
concentrations of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, the Massachusetts plaintiffs argued that the EPA was required to
act. The EPA countered that greenhouse gasses
did not qualify as air pollutants under the Clean Air Act, and therefore the
federal government was not able to regulate carbon emissions under the
authority of this statute. The majority
of the Supreme Court decided in favor of Massachusetts and the other plaintiffs,
and the EPA was required to act.
The federal government responded to the Massachusetts v. EPA decision through
legislative and administrative action.
Federal legislation specifically directed at curbing greenhouse gas
emissions from vehicles began with the signing of the Energy Independence and
Security Act of 2007.[iv] The Energy Independence Act created a limited
system of incentives for the development and use of vehicles with low or zero
greenhouse gas emission levels. Most
significantly, however, the law increased mandatory fuel economy standards for
new passenger vehicles by expanding the Corporate Average Fuel Economy
(“CAFE") credit trading program established in the early 1970s.[v]
The CAFE standards establish
mandatory fuel efficiency minimums for vehicles sold in the United States and
imposes financial penalties on auto manufacturers unable to meet the
regulations. The Energy Independence Act
increased the CAFE standards for the first time since they were created,
requiring a 40% bump in automobile fuel economy up to a mandatory 35 miles per
gallon by 2020.[vi] CAFE standards continue to ratchet upwards,
with a mandatory 54.5 mile per gallon fuel efficiency and strict carbon dioxide
emissions restrictions imposed upon new vehicles by 2025.[vii]
America’s current system for controlling
carbon emissions from vehicles has developed over time, and a single state –
California – can be credited for paving the way for more effective vehicle
emissions controls nationwide. While the
federal government limited its regulation of carbon emissions from motor
vehicles by focusing on fuel efficiency, California has created its own system
for regulating greenhouse gases. The
state is uniquely positioned to act, as California is the only state that has
applied for and received a federal preemption waiver under a provision of the
Clean Air Act that allows states to enforce their own air pollution regulations
under certain circumstances. Further, the Clean Air Act waiver authorizes other
jurisdictions to adopt California’s standards, placing the state in a unique
position of national leadership.[viii]
After securing this
waiver, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) replaced the U.S. EPA as the
agency responsible for establishing and maintaining air quality within the
state. CARB operates a complex and progressive system of air quality regulation
that has been adopted, at least in part, by a dozen other states. Following the
Energy Independence Act’s legislative update to the CAFE standards, the EPA formally
identified six greenhouse gasses – carbon dioxide, methane, sulfur
hexafluoride, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, and perfluorocarbons – as
pollutants regulated under the Clean Air Act.
Immediately thereafter, the EPA initiated a formal partnership with CARB
with the goal of collaborating on the development of new CAFE standards and
other rules improving fuel efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.[ix]
The Clean Air Act and
CAFE standards developed collaboratively between federal and state agencies now
integrate greenhouse gas controls into the national system of motor vehicle air
pollution regulation. However, CAFE does not set emissions standards for
individual vehicles and as a result does not prevent the sale of
carbon-intensive automobiles. Rather,
auto manufacturers may market and sell vehicles with low fuel efficiency and
high carbon emissions so long as they offer plenty of clean, efficient vehicles
to bring up the average footprint of the entire fleet. Such a policy begs the
question of whether auto makers will actually make meaningful changes to
overall vehicle design and efficiency, or whether large, gas-guzzling trucks
and SUVs will remain the status quo.
Increasing production of hybrid and fully-electrical vehicles has been
integral in the achievement of CO2 emissions targets thus far, and meeting the
emissions targets required by 2025 will require an even greater deployment of
non-gasoline vehicles.[x] California’s existing zero-emissions vehicle
program provides a policy framework for expanding the deployment of this
important technology. California
recently collaborated with 7 other states and a consortium of international
partners to implement policies that will accelerate the adoption of low and no
emissions vehicles.[xi]
The federal government began regulating greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles with a landmark Supreme Court case in 2007, but health and safety impacts from manmade climate change continue to be of concern. Industry-wide greenhouse gas emissions from transportation are rising very quickly, and American travelers continue to consume fossil fuels in increasing amounts.[xii] However, despite its late start, national regulation of vehicle greenhouse gas emissions have shown promising results. CO2 emissions from new personal vehicles are at record annual lows – an even more impressive achievement considering how recently the relevant policies have been developed. [xiii] In fact, 2016 marked the fourth consecutive year that U.S. automakers exceeded federal requirements for greenhouse gas emissions for passenger vehicles, a surprising turn of events considering the auto industry’s longstanding complaints that CAFE standards are too stringent. Average automotive fuel economy is at a record high of 24.8 miles per gallon, and the post-2007 emissions regulations have prevented the release of 130 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.[xiv] State-level greenhouse gas regulation provides an important counterweight to the political pressures that often prevent such policies from being developed on the federal scale, and California’s continued leadership in this field creates space for optimism in the global fight against climate change.
[i] Kaenel,
C. v. (2016, February 22). Americans Are Driving More than Ever.
Retrieved from Scientific American:
[ii] United
States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Transportation and Air
Quality. (2016). Fast Facts: U.S. Transportation Sector Greenhouse Gas
Emissions 1990-2014. Retrieved
from: https://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyPDF.cgi?Dockey=P100ONBL.pdf
[iii] 127 S. Ct. 1438 (2007)
[iv] Energy Independence and Security Act of
2007, P.L. 110-140 (Dec. 19, 2007).
[v] Energy Independence and Security Act,
Section 104 (2007).
[vi] Energy Independence and Security Act,
Section 102 (2007).
[vii] United
States Environmental Protection Agency. (2016, November 16). Regulations for
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Passenger Cars and Trucks. Retrieved from
[viii] Environmental
and Energy Study Institute. (2015, August 26). Fact Sheet: Vehicle
Efficiency and Emissions Standards. Retrieved from http://www.eesi.org/papers/view/fact-sheet-vehicle-efficiency-and-emissions-standards
[ix] National
Highway Transportation Safety Administration. (2010). NHTSA and EPA to
Propose Greenhouse Gas and Fuel Efficiency Standards for Medium- and Heavy-Duty
Trucks; Begin Process for Further Light-Duty Standards: Fact Sheet.
Retrieved from https://www.nhtsa.gov/sites/nhtsa.dot.gov/files/ld_hd_fe_factsheet.pdf
[x] United
States Environmental Protection Agency. (2016). Light-Duty Automotive
Technology, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, and Fuel Economy Trends: 1975 Through
2016. Retrieved from https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2016-11/documents/420s16001.pdf
[xi] California
Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board. (2017, January 18). Zero
Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Program. Retrieved from California Air Resources
Board: https://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/zevprog/zevprog.htm
[xii] National
Highway Transportation Safety Administration. (2010). NHTSA and EPA to
Propose Greenhouse Gas and Fuel Efficiency Standards for Medium- and Heavy-Duty
Trucks; Begin Process for Further Light-Duty Standards: Fact Sheet.
Retrieved from https://www.nhtsa.gov/sites/nhtsa.dot.gov/files/ld_hd_fe_factsheet.pdf
[xiii] United
States Environmental Protection Agency. (2016). Light-Duty Automotive
Technology, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, and Fuel Economy Trends: 1975 Through
[xiv] Sneed,
A. (2016, December 1). Why Automakers Keep Beating Government Standards.
Retrieved from Scientific American: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-automakers-keep-beating-government-standards/