Relations Law: Determining Child Custody
Custody of a minor child is defined as
the rights and obligations related to giving care, providing protection, and
exercising control over a child.[1] Because the different facets
of custody are often at issue at the same time, custody disputes are frequently
emotionally charged.
Reaching a determination on an agreement
to cover custody is challenging, but numerous resources exist to help guide
courts and parents.
We will look at two types of custody:
legal and physical custody. We will also discuss the “child’s best interests”
standard, which is the foundation for courts reaching custody decisions.
Finally, we will discuss how custody orders can be modified and what a parent
must demonstrate to achieve modification.
Child’s Best Interests
Custody decisions usually start with the
competing rights of the parents and, in cases where there are two parents vying
for custody, must determine the ability of the custodial and non-custodial parents
to control the child’s activities and of the noncustodial parent’s ability to
have a meaningful relationship with the child. Still, the underlying basis for any
decision must be “the best interests of the child.”
The best interests of the child standard
is a fact-based test and different states use different factors to reach this
determination. State statutes require courts to determine what is in the best
interests of a child by factors including:
The age and physical and mental
condition of the child, giving due consideration to the child’s changing
developmental needs;
The age and physical and mental
condition of each parent;
The lifestyle of each parent and his or
her ability to provide the basic necessities of life;
The relationship existing between each
parent and each child, giving due consideration to the positive involvement
with the child’s life and the ability to accurately assess and meet the
emotional, intellectual and physical needs of the child;
The needs of the child, giving due
consideration to other important relationships of the child, including but not
limited to siblings, peers, and extended family members;
The role that each parent has played and
will play in the future in the upbringing and care of the child;
The propensity of each parent to
actively support the child’s contact and relationship with the other parent,
including whether a parent has unreasonably denied the other parent access to
or visitation with the child.[2]
Child Custody Overview
There are two kinds of custody: physical custody and legal custody. For each, a parent may
be awarded sole custody or two parents may be awarded joint custody. A parent
with sole custody means that he or she will exercise exclusive
rights concerning the child. If parents have a joint custody
arrangement, both parents share equal rights concerning the child. To
determine whether sole or joint custody should be awarded, the “child’s best
interests” standard is used.
Physical custody is the actual possession
and control of a child and gives the parent the right to have the child live
with him or her. Sole physical custody means that a child resides only
with one parent for significant periods of time. If a child resides with two
parents for significant periods of time, these parents have joint physical
custody of the child. Determining whether a sole or joint physical custody
arrangement should be created is a fact-based determination.
Traditionally, courts believed that a
child, especially a young child, should only call one place home. With the
advent of new research and studies, joint physical custody arrangements have
become more common for a number of reasons. First, psychological studies have
demonstrated that the devastating effects of divorce on children can be reduced
if both parents remain active in a child’s upbringing.[3] The psychologists leading
these studies argue that by maintaining relationships and living with both
parents, children can better handle the upheavals caused by divorce.[4] Second, as the number of
households with both parents in the workforce have increased, there is an
increased need for both parents to cooperate with one another and help raise
the child. By awarding joint physical custody, each parent’s work schedules are
considered so that an arrangement is reached that will allow for both to best
take care of the child according to their time availabilities.
Legal custody is the parents’ ability to
make legal decisions on matters affecting the child. A few examples of these
legal decisions include determinations on a child’s medical care, education,
and religious upbringing. Unless circumstances demonstrate that one parent
should not be involved in legal decision-making, courts typically award joint
legal custody. Under joint legal custody, parents share in the decision-making
process and parents have equal rights to the child’s records. The benefit of
such an arrangement is that both parents remain involved in making decisions
that will impact their children’s lives. If a dispute arises over a legal decision,
a court can settle the dispute.
can (and often do) award joint legal custody even while awarding sole physical
custody to one parent.[5] In one New York case, both
the mother and father of their two sons had joint legal custody of both
children. However, the court awarded sole physical custody of each child to a
different parent, so that one son lived with his mother and the other son lived
with his father. On appeal, the appeals court okayed this arrangement, as the
best interests of different children might be attained by giving physical
custody to separate parents. Each son had a better relationship with one parent
than the other. Thus, the sole physical custody award for each child was
Parents not granted custody are usually
granted visitation with the child. Moreover, visitation rights may vest in
non-parent relatives of the child as well. Those topics are covered in our
presentation on visitation.
Modification of Child
Though it may appear as though a physical
or legal child custody arrangement is a final judgment, neither of these two orders
are set in stone when initially decided. Custody orders can be modified if
there is a material or substantial change in circumstances that affects the
child’s health or well-being.[6]
State statutes typically require a
certain amount of time to elapse between the prior custody order and a request
for modification. Despite this, if the child’s mental, emotional, or physical
health is in harm’s way, a child custody order can be modified immediately.
Because extreme changes in custody can
be a traumatic experience for children and can alter their way of life, courts
are very reluctant to change a custody order absent a material or substantial
change in circumstances that affects the child’s health or well-being. The party
seeking the modification of the custody order must demonstrate some of the
following elements to prove a material or substantial change in circumstances:
Custodial parent’s immoral or criminal
Custodial parent’s mental illness or
physical illness impacting his or her ability to raise the child;
Custodial parent’s abusive behavior
towards the child;
Instability in the child’s environment
impacting the child’s welfare;
Threat that the noncustodial parent’s
relationship with the child will be destroyed or abridged;
Change in child’s preference in determining
whether to modify the custody arrangement.
If the parent seeking the modification
can show that a number of these elements exist, then it is more likely that a
court will modify a child custody order based on a material or substantial
change in circumstances.
Determining child custody is an
emotional process for both parents and children. Despite the emotional
uncertainty that the parties involved will experience, family law jurisprudence
functions in a way that provides protocols and standards so that courts can
make uniform decisions and minimize doubts and uncertainty.
[1] Suzanne Reynolds, Back To The Future:
An Empirical Study of Child Custody Outcomes, 85 N.C.L. Rev. 1629, (2007).
[2] “Best Interests of the Child,” Child
Custody Project, http://childcustodyproject.org/essays/best-interests-of-the-child/.
[3] Judith S. Wallerstein & Joan Berlin
Kelly, Surviving the Breakup: How Children and Parents Cope with Divorce
[4] Robert Emery, “Is joint physical
custody best—or worst—for children?”, Psychology Today, https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/divorced-children/200905/joint-physical-custody.
[5] Matter
of Pecore v. Pecore, 824 N.Y.S.2d 690, (2006).
[6] Quinn
v. Johnson, 247 N.J. Super. 572, (1991).