Determining Proper Venue in Civil Actions
Debates over the question, “Is this the proper venue?” can arise in
all sorts of civil actions. For example, Major League Baseball, a defendant in
umpire Angel Hernandez’s racial discrimination lawsuit, recently filed a motion
to dismiss, claiming that Cincinnati, Ohio is an improper district to litigate
the claim.[1] Until May 2017, plaintiffs
routinely filed patent infringement lawsuits in the United States District
Court for the Eastern District of Texas because they believed this district had
patentee-friendly juries, judges, and procedures, while defendant corporations argued
that Tyler, Texas was an improper venue.[2]
Although a court in a given federal district
may have subject matter jurisdiction to adjudicate the dispute’s content and
may have personal jurisdiction over the disputing parties, it may still decide
to not hear the case because it is not the proper venue. Determining proper
venue is an exercise in geography. Some states, like Nebraska, only have one federal
district which would serve as the venue in all federal cases brought in the
state, while other states, like California, can have as many as four federal
districts, any of which could be a proper venue depending on the facts of a
federal case.[3]
We will explore the federal venue
statute, 28 U.S.C § 1391, and will discuss how to discover where a federal
civil action may be brought. Additionally, the presentation will differentiate
venue from jurisdiction and will tackle the key components of the venue
How does venue differ
from jurisdiction?
Venue and jurisdiction are separate
concepts. Just because a plaintiff files a case in the correct venue does not
mean that the court has jurisdiction over the parties or the subject matter,
and vice versa.
Jurisdiction refers to a federal court’s
“power to adjudicate.”[4] Venue doesn’t deal with
that. Venue rules determine where litigation may take place with greater
precision than that of jurisdiction. [5] Personal jurisdiction
deals with whether it’s proper to hail a defendant before any court in a
specific state, while determining venue deals with whether it’s proper to hail
a defendant before a specific district court in a state with multiple districts
or in a given county in a state court proceeding.[6]
For example, federal courts in Texas may
have personal jurisdiction over a resident of Houston. The proper venue,
though, would be the United States District Court for the Southern District of
Texas, which covers Houston.
U.S. Code § 1391
The federal courts’ venue statute is
designed to protect the defendant against the risk that a plaintiff will select
an inconvenient, or even arbitrary, district to pursue a lawsuit.[7] It provides that venue in
civil actions is proper in any of the following:[8]
(1) a
judicial district in which any defendant resides, if all defendants are
residents of the State in which the district is located;
(2) a
judicial district in which a substantial part of the events or omissions giving
rise to the claim occurred, or a substantial part of property that is the
subject of the action is situated;
(3) if
there is no district in which an action may otherwise be brought as provided in
this section, any judicial district in which any defendant is subject to the
court’s personal jurisdiction with respect to such action.
How is “residence”
§1391(c) clarifies what is meant by “residence”
for purposes of §1391(b)(1) for individuals, business entities and nonresidents
of the United States.
An individual is deemed to reside in the
judicial district in which that person is domiciled, which means the location
of his permanent place of dwelling. A business entity defendant resides in any
judicial district in which it is subject to the court’s personal jurisdiction.
This has wide-ranging ramifications for a business that conducts commercial
activities across the United States, because it becomes foreseeable for a
business to litigate in many regions.
How do courts approach
“substantial part” as provided in (b)(2)?
In determining where a “substantial
part” of the claim occurred, courts will not merely look at the single
triggering event prompting the action, but rather at the entire sequence of
events underlying the claim.[9] In Henderson v. Laser Spine Inst. LLC, the federal court in the
District of Maine held that it was the proper venue for a dispute over fraud,
negligence, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The court looked
at how the defendant company had years of contact with the plaintiff in the
state of Maine prior to his filing a lawsuit and determined that this was
sufficient contact with Maine even if some of the alleged actions occurred
The Fallback Venue
If neither §1391(b)(1) or §1391(b)(2)
are satisfied, then the fallback provision, §1391(b)(3), kicks in and courts
will deem venue appropriate in any judicial district where any defendant is
subject to personal jurisdiction.[11] A plaintiff will
typically look to this provision to satisfy venue when defendants are domiciled
in different districts, when the defendant is not a United States resident or when
the events leading to the civil action occurred outside of the United States. Courts
apply §1391(b)(3) stringently, meaning the plaintiff must still prove that
there is personal jurisdiction over a defendant in a given district. This
ensures that a plaintiff brings his action in the district which makes the most
sense for the defendant.
A 1997 case, Dee-K Enterprises v. Heveafil, illustrates the fallback provision
in action. Two American manufactures sued a number of Malaysian, Indonesian,
and Thai companies, alleging an international conspiracy to restrain trade for
rubber products.[12]
The plaintiff filed the suit in the Eastern District of Virginia and argued
that venue was proper because the defendant had several Virginia-related contacts.
The court disagreed and reasoned that while the defendants had sufficient
contacts to justify personal jurisdiction in Virginia because the foreign
companies had sold its products in Virginia and had interacted with Virginia
customers, these contacts were with cities and towns in the Western, not the
Eastern, District. As a result, venue was only proper in the Western District
because that’s where the defendant was subject to the court’s personal
Richard Broude, a highly respected bankruptcy
attorney, once wrote, “Jurisdiction is
about power; venue is about location.”[13] This may be a tad
simplistic, but determining the proper venue is just as important as
establishing a court’s jurisdiction. A case filed in an improper venue faces
the threat of being dismissed or transferred.
[3] John Lenich, “A Simple Question That
Isn’t So Simple: Where Do Entities Reside For Venue Purposes?,” 84 Miss. L.J.
253, (2015).
[4] Neirbo
Co. v. Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., 308 U.S. 165, (1939).
[5] Mitchell Page, “After the Judicial
Improvements Act of 1990: Does the General Federal Venue Statute Survive as a
Protection for Defendants?,” 74 U. Colo. L. Rev. 1153, (2003).
[6] Id.
[7] Leroy
v. Great W. United Corp., 443 U.S. 173, (1979).
[8] 28 U.S. Code § 1391.
[9] Henderson
v. Laser Spine Inst. LLC, 815 F. Supp. 2d 353, (2011).
[10] Id.
[11] Jonathan Segal, “Federal Courts
Jurisdiction and Venue Clarification Act of 2011,” 36 AK Bar Rag 16, (2012).
[12] Dee-K
Enters. v. Heveafil SDN. Bhd., 982 F. Supp. 1138, (1997).
[13] Richard F. Broude, “Jurisdiction and
Venue Under the Bankruptcy Act of 1973,” 48 Am. Bankr. L.J. 231, (1974).