of An Arbitration Award
Alternative dispute resolution methods,
such as negotiation, mediation, and arbitration, present disputing parties with
alternatives to time-consuming and expensive litigation. Of these three, arbitration
is the most like a lawsuit, but more streamlined and less expensive.
In an arbitration proceeding, an
impartial third party known as the arbitrator, listens to the disputing parties
and applies relevant laws to resolve the outstanding issues. Like a trial in a
courtroom, the parties make opening and closing arguments, present witnesses,
and provide testimony in presenting their cases. Unlike a trial in a courtroom,
however, arbitration relaxes litigation formalities such as the many restrictive
evidentiary rules and procedural requirements.
Arbitration proceedings have grown in
popularity over recent decades.[1] People who would ordinarily
be inclined to go to court to resolve disputes often discovered that an
arbitration is an efficient, cost-effective, and flexible alternative to
Once one side “wins” her arbitration
hearing, what happens next? Well, if the other side simply capitulates and pays
up or abides by the arbitrator’s decision, then there’s really no problem. However,
arbitration awards often need to be enforced and enforcement can come only
through the court system. To get the ball rolling on enforcement through the
court system, the winner of the arbitration hearing needs to “confirm” the
judgment in court. In this presentation, we’ll discuss how one party can achieve
confirmation of an arbitrator’s award at both the state and federal levels.
State Court Arbitral Award
The procedure for confirming an
arbitration award is relatively straightforward and is necessary because an
award cannot be enforced within the United States until an appropriate federal
or state court confirms the award. While states’ processes for arbitration
award confirmations differ, we will look at California’s approach because it is
typical of and comparable to those of many other states.
States enact their own arbitration acts,
such as the California Arbitration Act to provide the process by which state
courts can confirm an award. These acts typically to arbitration awards
concerning intrastate contracts,
which are contracts that do not involve business activities between states. States
also often maintain separate statutory rules for confirmation of awards
rendered through court-ordered arbitration.[3] This law outlines
confirmation of awards reached in arbitrations regarding legal controversies that
were already in court before the court ordered arbitration.
A petition for confirmation of an
arbitration award must be filed in a court in the county where the arbitration
was held. The petition must include[4]:
names of all parties to the arbitration;
agreement to arbitrate;
arbitrator’s name; and
award and any accompanying written opinion.
When the arbitration was held outside of
the state but the arbitration agreement was entered into in the state, the
party seeking to confirm the award must file a petition for confirmation in the
county where the parties entered into the arbitration agreement.
The process to confirm an arbitral award
proceeds much faster than a regular lawsuit. This speed and efficiency is
demonstrated by the fact that a party seeking to confirm can do so as soon as
ten days after the arbitrator makes an award.
The other party may file a petition to vacate
or correct an award, though this must be done within a relatively short time
after the award is confirmed (100 days, for example, in California).
Grounds for vacating an arbitration award
are severely limited. In California, for example, an arbitration award can be
vacated only due to a showing of corruption, fraud, or an arbitrator’s
misconduct that prejudiced one party’s rights.
Court Arbitral Award Confirmation
The federal government has well-rooted
policies on how an award is confirmed. The Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”)
provides guidance for the confirmation of domestic arbitration awards in
federal courts.[5]
The party applying for the confirmation must do so in the proper federal court
within one year after the arbitrator’s decision.[6] The proper court is any
court specified in the arbitration agreement. If there is no specified court
location, the petition can be filed for confirmation in the district where the
award was made.
When the party files a petition for
confirmation, he must file the following supporting documents along with the
award: a copy of the arbitration
award, which will include the findings of fact and an explanation of the basis
for the award;
arbitration agreement:
the agreement is needed as evidence that the parties agreed to arbitrate their
papers used for additional arbitrator selection and extensions of time.
Once an arbitral award is confirmed, the
judgment is docketed, which means that it has the same force and effect as any
other civil judgment. In most cases, arbitration awards are confirmed and
entered as judgments without adverse party opposition.
Courts are hesitant to vacate or alter
arbitration awards when they are challenged. The FAA’s grounds for setting
aside an award are the only ways to do so and they consist of the following
1) where the award was procured by
corruption, fraud, or undue means;
2) where there was evident partiality or
corruption in the arbitrators, or either of them;
3) where the arbitrators were guilty of
misconduct in refusing to postpone the hearing, upon sufficient cause shown, or
if the arbitrators refused to hear evidence pertinent and material to the
controversy; or of any other arbitrator misbehavior that prejudiced the rights
of any party; or
4) where the arbitrators exceeded their
powers, or executed their powers imperfectly that a final and mutual award was
not made
Federal arbitration law also dictates
that parties cannot agree to additional grounds to vacate an award.[9] Unless one of these four
circumstances can be shown, the arbitration award will not be reversed.
Time and time again, the United States
Supreme Court has respected these limited methods for vacating and arbitration award. [10] In one case, the Court reasoned
that Congress passed the FAA because of a desire to confirm contracts that had
arbitration clauses and to make arbitration clauses as enforceable as any other
contract provision.[11]
Almost as difficult as having an
arbitration award vacated, is having the award modified. The FAA provides only
three grounds to modify or correct a domestic arbitration awards:
1) where there was an evident material
miscalculation of figures or an evident material mistake in the description of
any person, thing, or property referred to in the award;
2) where the arbitrators have awarded upon
a matter not submitted to them, unless it is a matter not affecting the merits
of the decision upon the matter submitted; or
3) where the award is imperfect in matter
of form not affecting the merits of the controversy.
The effect of these rules on both the
federal and state levels is to ensure that the process of confirming an
arbitration award is streamlined, efficient and supportive of the arbitration
process. Since these rules favor speedy resolutions, they continue to reinforce
the idea that arbitration is a cost-effective and efficient alternative to
[1] Susan Wiens and Roger Haydock,
“Arbitration: Before and After: Confirming Arbitration Awards: Taking the
Mystery Out of A Summary Proceeding”, 33 Wm. Mitchell L. Rev. 1293, (2007).
[2] EEOC
v. Waffle House, Inc., 534 U.S. 279, (2002).
[3] Cal. Civ. Proc. Code
§ 1141.10 et seq.
[4] Cal. Civ. Proc.
Code §1285
[6] 9 U.S.C. § 9
[7] 9 U.S.C. § 13
[8] MBNA Am. Bank v. Straub, 815 N.Y.S.2d
450, (2006).
[9] Hall
Street Assocs., L.L.C. v. Mattel, Inc., 552 U.S. 576, 584 (2008)
[10] Dean
Witter Reynolds Inc. v. Byrd, 470 U.S. 213, (1985).
[11] Richard Frankel, The Arbitration Clause
as Super Contract, 91 WASH. U. L.
REV. 531, (2014).