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Question 1
Elvin and Andy sign a five-year partnership agreement. At the end of the fifth year, they decide to continue working together. This partnership is terminable:
Correct In the case of a partnership with a stated limited life, the partnership is deemed to have ended at the termination of the proscribed period. If, however, the partnership is continued by the partners without a formal contract governing its continuance, the partnership is deemed to be 'at will' ' as is the case in an informal partnership ' and may be dissolved by any one partner's choice to leave the partnership.
Incorrect! In the case of a partnership with a stated limited life, the partnership is deemed to have ended at the termination of the proscribed period. If, however, the partnership is continued by the partners without a formal contract governing its continuance, the partnership is deemed to be 'at will' ' as is the case in an informal partnership ' and may be dissolved by any one partner's choice to leave the partnership.
Question 2
Roscoe is forced to sell his partnership interest in a general partnership to pay his largest creditor. The transfer of his partnership interest will:
Correct Transfer of a partnership interest to another party has no effect on the partnership as the partnership interest is the sole property of the partner. As such, any partner may transfer his interest freely without dissolving or otherwise diminishing the partnership. In the example above, Roscoe would still remain a partner of the firm (without an interest in the partnership) and the creditor has no legal relation to the partnership.
Incorrect! Transfer of a partnership interest to another party has no effect on the partnership as the partnership interest is the sole property of the partner. As such, any partner may transfer his interest freely without dissolving or otherwise diminishing the partnership. In the example above, Roscoe would still remain a partner of the firm (without an interest in the partnership) and the creditor has no legal relation to the partnership.
Question 3
Four people are general partners in a medical practice. One partner dies three years after the formation of the partnership. The partnership
Correct In the case of a general partnership, the death of any partner results in automatic legal dissolution of the partnership. While the remaining partners may decide to continue operation of the firm, they must recreate the partnership to form it with only the remaining members.
Incorrect! In the case of a general partnership, the death of any partner results in automatic legal dissolution of the partnership. While the remaining partners may decide to continue operation of the firm, they must recreate the partnership to form it with only the remaining members.
Question 4
Hans, Erwin, and Webster are partners in a computer company. Webster decides to leave the partnership. Hans signs a contract prior to the decision. The contract is binding on
Correct While the partnership is still in existence, all partners retain full legal liability for all debts that are considered debts of the partnership. Thus, while Webster may have decided to leave the firm, he still retains liability as to all the firm's debts up and until he formally leaves the company.
Incorrect! While the partnership is still in existence, all partners retain full legal liability for all debts that are considered debts of the partnership. Thus, while Webster may have decided to leave the firm, he still retains liability as to all the firm's debts up and until he formally leaves the company.
Question 5
Sherry and Mike are partners - Mike contributing 75% of the capital - profits being split equally. When the partnership becomes unprofitable they dissolve it. The partnerships' liability are greater than its assets, and Sherry pays them off. Sherry
Correct This question may seem a bit tricky, but ultimately just turns on the fact that the obligations of a partnership are shared equally amongst partners in a default case. In this case, Sherry and Mike have equal rights to the profits of the partnership. As such, an absent an agreement to the contrary, the law implies that each partner will have a corresponding (i.e. 50%) share of the partnership's losses and obligations. Because Sherry paid off the partnership's debts on her own, she may choose to seek contribution from Mike for his share of those obligations that belonged to the partnership.
Incorrect! This question may seem a bit tricky, but ultimately just turns on the fact that the obligations of a partnership are shared equally amongst partners in a default case. In this case, Sherry and Mike have equal rights to the profits of the partnership. As such, an absent an agreement to the contrary, the law implies that each partner will have a corresponding (i.e. 50%) share of the partnership's losses and obligations. Because Sherry paid off the partnership's debts on her own, she may choose to seek contribution from Mike for his share of those obligations that belonged to the partnership.
Question 6
Vera and William are partners and BankOne is the firm's creditor. Ace Mortgage is William's personal creditor. On the firm's dissolution, who has priority over the firm's assets?
Correct BankOne is the firm's creditor and must be satisfied to the full extent of the debt it is owed prior to any payment to the partners. Furthermore, an individual partner's personal obligations have no effect on the partnership and such creditor's may only attach the partner's property up to the extent of her partnership interest.
Incorrect! BankOne is the firm's creditor and must be satisfied to the full extent of the debt it is owed prior to any payment to the partners. Furthermore, an individual partner's personal obligations have no effect on the partnership and such creditor's may only attach the partner's property up to the extent of her partnership interest.
Question 7
Wally and Theodore are limited partners in a limited partnership. To avoid personal liability for partnership obligations, they must not
Correct The rules governing Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP's) state that limited partners have no liability to the firm beyond their capital contribution to the extent that they refrain from active management of the firm. As such, any limited partner that wishes to retain its liability shield must act in a manner that does not give a court the opportunity to imply that the partner has acted in a manner that equates to management of the firm. If a limited partner does act in a management capacity, a court may imply that the partner was, in fact, a general partner, and thereby hold that partner personally liable to an unlimited degree.
Incorrect! The rules governing Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP's) state that limited partners have no liability to the firm beyond their capital contribution to the extent that they refrain from active management of the firm. As such, any limited partner that wishes to retain its liability shield must act in a manner that does not give a court the opportunity to imply that the partner has acted in a manner that equates to management of the firm. If a limited partner does act in a management capacity, a court may imply that the partner was, in fact, a general partner, and thereby hold that partner personally liable to an unlimited degree.
Question 8
A limited partnership must have at least:
Correct While an LLP may have as many general and limited partners as it wants, the law in all states requires that an LLP have at least one individual or party that is identified as the general partner (GP) and one limited partner (LP). Typically, an LLP will have a single general partner and several limited partners.
Incorrect! While an LLP may have as many general and limited partners as it wants, the law in all states requires that an LLP have at least one individual or party that is identified as the general partner (GP) and one limited partner (LP). Typically, an LLP will have a single general partner and several limited partners.
Question 9
In most states, a limited partnership will be created at the time:
Correct A limited partnership, unlike a general partnership, requires formal creation under the laws of the state in which the partnership is located. While there are generally no state requirements that an LLP need by approved by the state, the filing of a formal limited partnership certificate is a prerequisite to the creation of the firm.
Incorrect! A limited partnership, unlike a general partnership, requires formal creation under the laws of the state in which the partnership is located. While there are generally no state requirements that an LLP need by approved by the state, the filing of a formal limited partnership certificate is a prerequisite to the creation of the firm.
Question 10
Limited partners are entitled to:
Correct Limited partners have several rights with regards to the operation of the partnership. First, as investors, limited partners are entitled to a review of the firms operating financials in order to insure that the firm is protecting their investment. Additionally, in the event of a partnership dissolution, LP's are entitled to a return of their capital contribution in the way a partner would be in a general partnership. Finally, limited partner's may freely transfer their interests in a partnership. While such a transfer is legal, the buyer of the partnership interest only has rights in the interest, and does not become a partner in the firm.
Incorrect! Limited partners have several rights with regards to the operation of the partnership. First, as investors, limited partners are entitled to a review of the firms operating financials in order to insure that the firm is protecting their investment. Additionally, in the event of a partnership dissolution, LP's are entitled to a return of their capital contribution in the way a partner would be in a general partnership. Finally, limited partner's may freely transfer their interests in a partnership. While such a transfer is legal, the buyer of the partnership interest only has rights in the interest, and does not become a partner in the firm.