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Question 1
George and Al are both running for president. During the campaign a news anchor who is reporting on George's campaign says "I would never vote for George. He is as dishonest as they get. He has never in his life made a campaign promise that he has kept." George sues the news anchor for defamation. He will most likely:
Correct Statements about public officials are very rarely defamatory because, at the heart of freedom of speech is the concept that we can criticize public officials without being punished or sued for it. Therefore, George's suit will fail and D is the correct answer.
Incorrect! Statements about public officials are very rarely defamatory because, at the heart of freedom of speech is the concept that we can criticize public officials without being punished or sued for it. Therefore, George's suit will fail and D is the correct answer.
Question 2
A sports writer from Sports News magazine publishes an article in which he claims that Michael Jordan was deliberately missing shots so that the Wizards would miss the play-offs and he could play more golf. If Michael Jordan sues the reporter, he will probably
Correct Public figures are people who are not public officials but are people that have either achieved such widespread fame that they have essentially become public figures. Statements against these people will also enjoy the highest level of constitutional protection. Therefore, Jordan will not be able to recover from the reporter and C is the correct answer.
Incorrect! Public figures are people who are not public officials but are people that have either achieved such widespread fame that they have essentially become public figures. Statements against these people will also enjoy the highest level of constitutional protection. Therefore, Jordan will not be able to recover from the reporter and C is the correct answer.
Question 3
An oil tanker, belonging to PetroCorp, ran aground, spilling hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil into the water off the coast of Alaska and causing an environmental catastrophe. The state government of Alaska hired Anthony Lords, a renowned environmental lawyer to represent the state in its suit against PetroCorp. During the trial, which was hyped as the environmental trial of the century and was televised nationally, a legal pundit being interviewed on television said "I don't understand why Alaska chose Lords as their attorney. He makes a lot of mistakes, he has lost some cases that even law students could have won and, overall, he is a very poor attorney. If Lords sues the pundit for defamation, he will probably win:
Correct In identifying limited public figures for defamation purposes, the court will look at 1) the specific controversy that the person is involved in, 2) whether or not the plaintiff has voluntarily involved himself in the controversy and, 3) whether or not the defamation spoken about this person was relevant to his participation in the particular situation. Here, Lords voluntarily involved himself in the controversy and the statements made by the pundit were relevant to his participation in the controversy. Therefore, the pundit's statements are privileged and the correct answer is FALSE.
Incorrect! In identifying limited public figures for defamation purposes, the court will look at 1) the specific controversy that the person is involved in, 2) whether or not the plaintiff has voluntarily involved himself in the controversy and, 3) whether or not the defamation spoken about this person was relevant to his participation in the particular situation. Here, Lords voluntarily involved himself in the controversy and the statements made by the pundit were relevant to his participation in the controversy. Therefore, the pundit's statements are privileged and the correct answer is FALSE.