Election and What it Means for 2020
United Kingdom had its parliamentary elections on Thursday, which resulted in
an enormous win for Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party and a crushing defeat
for Jeremy Corbyn and the Labor party, prompting Corbyn to summarily resign his
party leadership position. There are some striking similarities between British
and American politics. But in the end, these similarities are mainly
some background. The British government’s power is concentrated in its House of
Commons, with its 650 members. They’re elected from geographic constituencies,
that are designed to have roughly equal populations. At this time, that’s about
100,000 people per district. In this way, the elections are similar to those
for our House of Representatives, which are spread into 435 districts
throughout the country.
650 total seats, 326 are needed for an outright majority. When no one party has
an outright majority, as in the case of the previous British government, less-stable
coalition governments are required. In Thursday’s election, the Conservative
party won 365 seats, substantially more than the number needed for majority.[1]
each district uses a “first past the post” system, meaning that a plurality,
not a majority, of the vote is needed to win, it is possible to gain a majority
in the House of Commons without a majority of the vote. In fact, the
Conservative party appears to have won about 43½ percent of the vote, which
translated to its substantial majority of seats.
the American Republican Party,[2] the British Conservative
party has some structural advantages. Its strength is in many suburban and
rural areas, while Labor is strong in the cities. Like the American Democratic
Party, Labor often runs up enormous margins of “wasted” votes in inner cities.
For example, in the Bermondsey & Old Southwark district in London, the
Conservative party drew less than 20% of the vote even in this election.[3]
In the
United States, due to the nature of the way votes are sorted and some
gerrymandering of House seats, Republicans have an advantage of anywhere from 3
to 6 percentage points.[4] That is, Republicans could
“lose” the raw numbers of House election votes by at least 3 points nationwide and
still win a majority of the House of Representatives. Note that Republicans
enjoy a similar, or perhaps even greater, advantage in the Senate.
Other similarities
between US Republicans and UK Conservatives have dominated the media narrative.[5] Both Boris Johnson and
Donald Trump use populism and controlling immigration as two of their signature
issues. Both have also made re-assertion of their nations’ world influence key
components of their talking points; Trump by criticizing allies and resorting
to unilateralism, Johnson by supporting Britain’s exit from the European Union.
temptation is great, therefore, to pronounce that the British election is a
potential harbinger of 2020, as the British Brexit vote in June of 2016 on a
campaign of limiting immigration and decreasing reliance on the EU,[6] foretold of Trump’s 2016 victory on a platform
of “America first.”[7]
one must be careful before reading too much into the comparison. There are
substantial differences.
the influence of Brexit on the 2019 UK election can hardly be overstated. Brexit
voters cut across party lines, with many working-class Labor voters supporting
Brexit due to fears of increased immigration.[8] Jeremy Corbyn’s promise to
hold a new referendum[9] to potentially reverse the
Brexit election was seen as disenfranchising to some Brexit voters. On the
other side, the “Remain” voters, seeing Brexit as mostly a foregone conclusion,
did not move to Labor in droves. In fact, in Scotland, where “Remain” won 62%
of the vote in 2016, the vote mainly went to the Scottish National Party, which
took 45% of the vote and 45 of 59 seats.[10] Interesting, it pulled
most of its vote from what otherwise might have gone to Labor, allowing the
Conservatives to win more votes and more seats than did Labor in this strongly
“Remain” area.
while the Conservative and Labor parties represent a similar “left-right” axis
as we have in the US, the Conservative platform is hardly comparable to the
American Republican platform. For example, the 2019 Conservative pledges
include additional funding for Britain’s National Health Service, a
government-run healthcare system that is free at the point of service, significant
new government spending on science, schools and infrastructure and a pledge to
reach “net zero” carbon emissions by 2050.[11] While the pledge promised
to avoid raising most taxes, promises of tax cuts were conspicuously absent.
fact, with its combination of promises of steady taxation, fiscal
responsibility, moderation on immigration, social and infrastructure spending
and limited support for abortion, the British Conservative party might have
more in common with the Democratic parties of Bill Clinton or even Barack
Obama, than with the Republican party of today.[12]