United States Government's Pursuit of Swiss Banks who Assist American Tax
What do you think of when I say ‘Switzerland’? The average American
citizen may respond with “Chocolate,
skiing, tall mountains, and high-quality watches.” When the American
attorney is asked the same question, however, her mind goes elsewhere, and she may
respond with, “banking secrecy” or even “tax
In this presentation, we’ll look at
this stereotype and discuss how Switzerland’s banking industry has earned its reputation.
Additionally, we’ll examine what the United States is doing on the legal front
to hold Swiss bankers accountable for assisting American tax evasion, and where
these efforts have, and have not, been successful.
Switzerland is a magnet for wealthy foreigners
and one reason for this is the nation’s banking system. Swiss bankers are
estimated to hold at least 30% of the trillions of dollars of personal wealth
hidden in the world’s tax havens.[1]
Banking secrecy and confidentiality is
not only prevalent in Switzerland, it is also in Swiss law. In 1934 the Swiss
government passed the Federal Act on Banks and Savings Banks. The Act’s most
noteworthy provision is Article 47, which enforced confidentiality and shrouds
the Swiss banking system in secrecy. Article 47 criminalized a Swiss bank’s
disclosure of client identities.[2] A Swiss banker faces up to
six months in prison and a 50,000 Swiss franc-fine should he reveal a client’s
identity.[3] The confidentiality rules
are comparable to attorney-client and doctor-patient confidentiality rules
In the 80-plus years since the Act’s
passage, Swiss banks earned a reputation not only for their professionalism,
but also for confidentiality and secrecy.[4] James Breiding, the author
of the book Swiss Made - The Untold Story Behind Switzerland's Success, explains
other reasons for foreigner attraction to Swiss banks.
First, Switzerland is a model of
political and economic stability.[5] Not only does Switzerland
stay neutral in international political conflicts, the Swiss Franc is backed up
by a high percentage of gold reserves, contributing to economic stability.[6] Moreover, banking has historically
played a key role in the Swiss economy as a major employer and for having
accounted for nearly 6% of the Swiss gross domestic product.[7] Put simply, Swiss bankers
know how to make money for their clients.
In 2007, the United States began an
intensive tax investigation of Swiss banks when it probed the financial
activities of one of the world’s largest banks, United Bank of Switzerland. A
former UBS investment banker, Brad Birkenfeld, exposed UBS’s role in assisting
wealthy Americans dodge taxes in the United States.
Though it’s not illegal for Americans to
have bank accounts in Switzerland, United States tax law requires all American
taxpayers to disclose all foreign accounts and pay income tax on their earnings
in them.[8] Additionally, the United
States Investment Advisers Act of 1940 requires bankers to register with the
Securities Exchange Commission in the United States prior to advising clients
on investment and banking.[9]
Birkenfeld revealed that inside UBS, thousands
of American clients have routinely ignored the tax rules requiring disclosure
of foreign accounts. Moreover, hundreds of Swiss bankers traveled to the United
States to recruit clients without registering with the SEC. In 2008, the US
accused UBS of helping wealthy Americans evade $20 billion in taxes by setting
up their undisclosed offshore accounts.[10]
The Department of Justice then filed a
lawsuit against UBS and the Internal Revenue Service intensified its
investigation for tax evasion. Swiss banks reacted by expelling Americans and
refusing to opening new accounts for Americans.[11] In return for the
Department of Justice dropping its lawsuit, larger Swiss banks disclosed the
names of almost 4,500 American account holders who the DOJ suspected of evading
United States taxes.[12]
The DOJ then established an amnesty period,
known as the Swiss Bank Program. This program permitted Swiss banks that
believed they had committed tax crimes to be eligible for non-prosecution
agreements if they satisfied certain requirements, such as paying penalties and
providing detailed information about accounts associated with American
A few years after this was set in motion,
a number of Swiss private banks, such as Bank Frey and Bank Wegelin, continued
to set up offshore accounts for American citizens.[14] This is where we reach
the story of Swiss banker, Stefan Buck, a Bank Frey employee.
New York Times
published an in-depth story on Buck’s work activities as he set up Swiss bank
accounts for dozens of Americans, years after the US government began shining
the light on Swiss bank activities.[15] On April 16, 2013, the US
government indicted Buck, alleging that he had committed at least two overt
acts in furtherance of a conspiracy to defraud the United States.[16] Rather than staying in
Switzerland from where he would not be extradited and permanently live under US
indictment, he travelled to the United States to face trial. His trial began in
late 2017.
Buck was principally charged with
conspiracy to commit tax fraud. Conspiracy is a crime that punishes a defendant
for agreeing with another party to commit an offense.[17] Conspiracy is an inchoate
offense, meaning a defendant can be found guilty of conspiracy even if the
crime that is the subject of the conspiracy is never committed.[18] In prior cases, courts
have established that assisting someone to frustrate or obstruct the IRS’s
function of collecting income taxes or interfering and obstructing the IRS
while its collecting taxes is criminal conspiracy under federal criminal law.[19]
In the Buck case, the alleged criminal conduct included assisting clients
who sought cash withdrawals, purchases of jewelry, opening new undeclared
accounts, providing clients with nameless debit cards, and filing false
statements of beneficial ownership, among other actions, all intended to help
Americans avoid paying income taxes.[20]
During his trial, Buck’s attorney argued
that his client did not criminally conspire with his American clients because
his clients, not him, were the people who were trying to avoid their own income
taxes. Buck himself owed no taxes to the United States. Furthermore, he argued that
Swiss laws prohibited him from disclosing client identities and that his
activities were merely assisting Americans in compliance with Swiss law.
In late November 2017, the jury
delivered a “not guilty” verdict, delivering a blow to the government’s quest
to hold Swiss banks at least partly responsible for tax evasion.
Still, the prosecutions, lawsuits and
scrutiny have had substantial cumulative effects on Swiss banks. In December
2017, the international daily newspaper The
Financial Times published an article with the headline, “The Decline of the
Swiss Private Bank,” arguing that US scrutiny has led to the industry’s decline
and that the more than $5 billion in fines and compensation that Swiss banks have
been forced to pay for their roles in helping American clients avoid taxes has
tarnished Swiss banking reputation.[21]
Despite international investigations and
these pessimistic headlines, Swiss banks continue to play a key role for
managing the wealth of the world’s richest people. The Swiss judiciary is also
intervening, and defending banking privacy. In early 2018, the Swiss Federal
Court, the nation’s highest court of law, ruled against Swiss private banks
that sought to transfer information about their employees and other third
parties to the DOJ, finding that information on Swiss identities weren’t
indispensable for making a case against an alleged American tax evader.[22]
In the face of these judicial setbacks, both
domestic and international, the United States may look to be more cooperative
with Switzerland and avoid antagonistic methods of curbing American tax
[7] Id.
[10] Helena Bachmann, “Can Swiss Banks
Thrive After the UBS-U.S. Deal?”, TIME MAGAZINE, Aug. 20, 2009, http://www.time.cornitime/businessiarticle/0,8599,1917648,00.html.
[11] Carolyn Najera, “Combating Offshore Tax Evasion: Why the United States Should be Able to
Prevent American Tax Evaders from Using Swiss Bank Accounts to Hide Their
Assets,” 17 Sw. J. Int’l L. 205, (2011).
[12] Id.
[16] United
States v. Buck, 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 158080
[17] 18 USCS § 371
[19] United
States v. Rosengarten, 857 F.2d 76 (2d Cir. 1988).
[23] Anand Sithian, “‘But the Americans Made Me Do It!’: How the United States v. UBC Makes
the Case for Executive Exhaustion,” 25 Emory Int’l L. Rev. 681, (2011).