States Supreme Court Takes on Federalism and Sports Betting
Studies estimate that millions of
Americans illegally bet as much as $150 billion annually on sports events, a
sum exceeding the gross domestic products of nations such as the Ukraine,
Ecuador, and Vietnam, as well as the combined revenues of Microsoft, Goldman
Sachs, and McDonald’s.[1]
In December 2017, the Supreme Court
heard oral arguments in Christie v. NCAA,
a case where New Jersey seeks to partially legalize sports betting under state
law. On the other side, are the NCAA and the four professional United States
sports leagues, the NBA, NFL, NHL, and MLB.
In 1992, New Jersey Senator Bill
Bradley, sponsored the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act. Congress
passed the Act to preserve the integrity of sporting events. The Act makes it
unlawful for “a governmental entity to sponsor, operate, advertise, promote,
license, or authorize by law or compact…a lottery, sweepstakes, or other
betting, gambling, or wagering scheme based, directly or indirectly, on one or
more competitive games in which amateur or professional athletes participate,
or are intended to participate…”[2] The Act exempted Nevada
from the law and Delaware, Montana and Oregon were allowed to keep previously
authorized sports lotteries.[3]
Thirty years later, in 2012, New
Jersey enacted legislation that legalized and regulated sports betting. The
Leagues sued, and courts found the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection
Act constitutional and that the state law legalizing sports betting violated the
Act. In 2014, the New Jersey legislature passed a new, narrower, law allowing
sports betting at New Jersey racetracks and casinos for people age 21 and older.[4] Again, the Leagues sued
New Jersey to prevent it from going into effect, and the US Court of Appeals
for the Third Circuit found that this law also ran afoul of the federal law.[5]
The United States Supreme Court agreed
to hear the case, Christie v. NCAA,
in June 2017. The primary issue is whether the federal government, through enforcement
of the Act, is commandeering and forcing states to adopt a stance on sports
betting, which could be unconstitutional on federalism grounds.
New Jersey claims that Act violates
states’ rights. Our system is grounded in the bedrock principle of federalism
that state governments and the federal government operate in tandem and respect
one another. New Jersey contends that Act is unconstitutional because it
violates the Tenth Amendment, which reads, “The powers not delegated to the
United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are
reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”[6]
Under this Amendment, Congress and the
federal government may not compel the states to require or prohibit certain
activities, a rule known as anti-commandeering. This anti-commandeering doctrine
arose out of New York v. United States,
a Supreme Court case that analyzed federal laws addressing how states dealt
with low-level radioactive waste. The Court struck down federal laws requiring New
York to take ownership of the waste or regulate the waste according to federal
government instructions,[7] finding it inconsistent
with the Tenth Amendment. In its opinion, the Court reasoned that the
Constitution doesn’t give Congress the power to require states to govern and
act according to Congress’ instructions. If the federal government could
command the states to govern, it would be incompatible with the constitutional
system of dual sovereignty.[8]
New Jersey argues that like the law in
that 1992 case that commandeered states to regulate low-level radioactive waste,
The Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act commandeers states to police
sports betting and prohibit it. New Jersey’s position is that Congress is
preventing states from changing laws to fit their needs and effectively
commandeering state resources to enforce a policy that a state may not favor.
The Leagues counter that the Act
doesn’t commandeer and force the states to follow a course of action. Legislative
history reveals that the Act’s purpose is to “keep sports gambling from
spreading.” Under the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause, which provides that
federal law is the “supreme law of the land,”[9] New Jersey is pre-empted
from taking any action that would go against the federal law. In an amicus curie brief (which are briefs
filed by non-parties who wish to weigh in on a case), Principal Deputy
Solicitor General Jeffrey B. Wall wrote, “Congress may not require States to
enact or maintain federally prescribed regulations. But it may, and routinely
does, prohibit States from adopting laws that conflict with federal policy.” His
position is that prohibiting a state from adopting a law is constitutional. So,
unlike the law in question in the New
York case, when Congress unambiguously required the states to take
affirmative action with how they handled radioactive waste, the sports betting
act doesn’t compel states to enact, maintain, consider, or enforce state-law
prohibitions on sports betting.
Robert Mikos, a professor at
Vanderbilt University Law School, said, “Christie
v. NCAA is probably the most important federalism case on the court's
docket this year. It will have ramifications far beyond the confines of sports
gambling in New Jersey and it could impact a broad range of other policy
domains where the states are rolling back preexisting prohibitions in the
shadow of stricter federal laws.”[10] Sports law analyst Andrew
Brandt commented immediately after the completion of oral arguments, tweeting, “Hard
to read tea leaves but initial impression: a good day for the future of sports
betting in New Jersey and perhaps, other states behind them.”[11] Based on what occurred on
Monday, several Supreme Court justices, including Chief Justice John Roberts, commented
and asked questions that demonstrated skepticism of the Professional and
Amateur Sports Protection Act and its constitutionality.[12] We won’t know if the
Court will declare PASPA unconstitutional for a few months, but advocates for
legalized sports betting feel as if they’re in the red zone and are about to pull
off an upset.
[2] 28 U.S. Code § 3702 - Unlawful sports
gambling (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/28/3702)
[5] NCAA v. Governor of N.J., 832 F.3d 389,
[6] U.S. Const. Amend. 10.
[7] New York v. United States, 505 U.S. 144,
[8] Printz v. United States, 521 U.S. 898,
[9] U.S. Const. art. VI, cl. 2.