Law Guarantees Sexual Harassment Victims Their Days in Court
TIME Magazine’s 2017 Person of the Year
was “The Silence Breakers.”[1] In the last 12 months, women
and men from all walks of life have stepped forward to report sexual harassment
and assault against prominent people like film producer Harvey Weinstein,
former FOX Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes and actor Kevin Spacey.[2]
As the year wound down, this increased
awareness led our elected officials to introduce a new bill to assist victims
and allow them to break their silence. In this highly-politicized environment,
a bipartisan group of lawmakers has introduced legislation that would stop
employers from making newly-hired employees sign mandatory arbitration agreements
which many say silence victims of sexual harassment and gender discrimination.[3]
At the center of the bill is a practice
wherein employers commonly have new employees sign agreements to arbitrate
disputes that may arise during the employment relationship.[4] These mandatory
arbitration agreements typically include the following provisions:[5]
arbitration procedure and process for arbitrator selection;
claims that are covered by mandatory arbitration agreement and those that are
not covered; and
explanation of how arbitrator fees are to be paid.
Mandatory arbitration is a binding
method of alternative dispute resolution which involves the submission of a
dispute to a neutral third party, the arbitrator.[6] The grounds for appealing
an arbitration decision or seeking judicial review of arbitration awards are very
The Supreme Court first addressed the
constitutionality of mandatory arbitration clauses in employment contracts in
the 1991 case, Gilmer v.
Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp. In that case, Interstate hired Robert Gilmer
to serve as a manger of financial services.[8] His employment contract
required him to register with the New York Stock Exchange and he was required
to fill out a Form U-4, containing a clause agreeing to arbitrate all employment
disputes with Interstate.[9]
Interstate terminated Gilmer’s
employment when he turned 62 years old and soon after, he filed an age
discrimination lawsuit against Interstate for age discrimination under the Age
Discrimination in Employment Act. The lower court agreed with Interstate that
arbitration of Gilmer’s age discrimination claim could be compelled, and the
Supreme Court affirmed.
The Court reasoned that although the Act
allowed parties to file age discrimination lawsuits in federal court, the
Federal Arbitration Act’s language that made arbitration agreements enforceable
once they’re written into any contract could still be enforced.[10] “So long as the
prospective litigant may vindicate his statutory cause of action in the
arbitral forum,” the Act’s goals were satisfied.[11] Arbitration was enough of
a legal recourse.
Soon after the Gilmer decision, courts across the country extended this analysis
to sexual harassment claims, finding that mandatory arbitration for sexual
harassment claims are permissible.
arbitration clauses have also become prevalent, as about 55% of employment
contracts have mandatory arbitration provisions.[12] According to Economic
Policy Institute, over 60 million American workers are required to arbitrate
discrimination claims.
The prevalence of mandatory arbitration
clauses has had far-reaching legal ramifications. First, workers who sign these
mandatory arbitration agreements are typically shut out of the courtroom when
claiming sexual harassment or discrimination.[13] The Society for Human
Resource Management provides a template mandatory arbitration agreement on its
website that is typical for such agreements. In the paragraph for claims
covered by mandatory arbitration, “discrimination based on sex,” is one of the
first claims the agreement highlights, as it seeks to prevent litigation of
these claims.[14]
Second, even though an employee who needs to
go through mandatory arbitration can hire an attorney for assistance, attorneys
are less willing to represent employees who are subject to mandatory
arbitration. Alexander Colvin and Mark Gough, two experts in employment law and
labor relations, investigated mandatory arbitration and surveyed attorneys
involved in employment law cases. They found that while on average, attorneys
accept 19% of potential clients for representation who contact them with
disputes to be heard in civil litigation, they accept only 11% of potential
clients who are bound by mandatory arbitration clauses.[15] This is because employees
typically obtain less favorable outcomes in mandatory arbitration than in
litigation, including lower win rates and smaller damage awards. Attorneys, who
in many cases provide representation through a contingency fee arrangement
where the attorney is paid a percentage of the amount recovered, don’t think
it’s as financially rewarding to represent clients who are bound by mandatory
arbitration agreements.[16]
proposed legislation sponsored by Senators Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and
Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) as well as Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), the Ending
Forced Arbitration of Sexual Harassment Act of 2017 would make it illegal
for businesses to enforce mandatory arbitration agreements for sexual
harassment and sex discrimination claims. The bipartisan bill would allow these
victims of workplace discrimination to take their claims to court instead.[17]
bill seeks to level the playing field between employees and employers and would
have a drastic impact on employers.[18] Should the bill pass,
employers would be incurring more legal expenses as they’d have to go
litigation to defend themselves in sexual harassment lawsuits. Most importantly,
if passed, the bill will incentivize employers to ensure that they have strong
anti-harassment policies in place to reduce the likelihood of sexual
discrimination claims. Employers will be more likely to revisit their
anti-harassment policies and practices to ensure that they comply with the law
and that they are fostering workplace environments wherein all employees can
work without fear of sexual harassment and discrimination.
bill has a long journey before it could become a law. It must withstand debate,
pass a vote, and be signed into law by the President.[19]
Though it was just introduced, the bill is
already influencing private employers. In late December, Microsoft announced
that it would be ending forced arbitration agreements for employees who file
for sexual harassment.[20] In explaining why
Microsoft adopted this new workplace policy, Microsoft’s President and Chief
Legal Officer Brad Smith said, “We concluded that if we were to advocate for
legislation ending arbitration requirements for sexual harassment, we should
not have a contractual requirement for our own employees that would obligate
them to arbitrate sexual harassment claims. And we should act immediately and
not wait for a new law to be passed.”[21]
2017 was the year of the silence breaker
and 2018 may be the year of fundamental changes to federal employment law with
regard to sexual harassment and discrimination.
[6] F. Denise Rios, “Mandatory Arbitration
Agreements: Do They Protect Employers from Adjudicating Title VII Claims?,” 31
St. Mary’s L.J. 199, (1999).
[8] Gilmer
v. Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp., 500 U.S. 20, (1991).
[9] Id.
[11] Susan FitzGibbon, “Arbitration, Mediation, and Sexual Harassment,” 5 Psych. Pub. Pol.
and L. 693, (1999).
[13] Id.
[14] See footnote 5.
[16] Id.
[21] https://blogs.microsoft.com/on-the-issues/2017/12/19/microsoft-endorses-senate-bill-address-sexual-harassment/https://blogs.microsoft.com/on-the-issues/2017/12/19/microsoft-endorses-senate-bill-address-sexual-harassment/https://blogs.microsoft.com/on-the-issues/2017/12/19/microsoft-endorses-senate-bill-address-sexual-harassment/