President Trump Declares National Emergency to Facilitate Border Wall Construction
the longest government shutdown in US history ended and a second shutdown was
narrowly avoided, President Trump could secure only $1.375 Billion to pay for construction
of a much-heralded wall along the United States’ southern border. This amount
is far below its estimate cost.
February 15, 2019, President Trump declared a national emergency to allow him
to secure funding to pay for the wall’s construction.[1]
As the
Constitution is silent on national emergencies and, certainly, nothing about
declaring a national emergency inherently generates extra cash to be disposed
of by the President, what is this national emergency and how does it help
generate funds for a border wall? To answer, let’s take a step back and look at
the big picture.
United States government is based on a “separation of powers” principle.
Congress has the power to make laws and the President, mainly through control
of the military, federal law enforcement and administrative agencies, enforces
It is
plainly Congress who controls the Constitutional purse strings. When Article I,
Section 8 of the Constitution lists Congressional powers, the very first one it
lists is the power to “collect taxes… to pay the debts and provide for the
common defense and general welfare of the United States.”
the President‘s executive apparatus must always spend every dollar Congress allocates
is unclear, as many Presidents, starting with Thomas Jefferson, have
“impounded” Congressionally earmarked money rather than spend it. But what is
clear is that the President cannot spend money NOT allocated by Congress. Government
“shutdowns” that happen from time to time result from Congress and the
President being unable to agree on funding legislation.
it is well settled that the rules must be somewhat flexible in times of
national emergency.[2]
Congress has passed many bills authorizing the President to take extraordinary
steps in extraordinary circumstances.[3] President Franklin D.
Roosevelt declared national emergencies to deal with the great depression and
during World War II. [4]
President Truman declared a national emergency to nationalize steel mills
during the Korean War, though this action was later reversed by the Supreme
conducting a comprehensive study on national emergencies and how they’d been
used,[6] in 1976, Congress passed
the National Emergencies Act.[7] It retained for the
President the power to declare emergencies,[8] but imposed certain
requirements for the declaration and maintenance of the emergency state.
Germane to our discussion, the law allowed there to be “enacted into law a
joint resolution terminating the emergency.”[9] It also requires
emergencies to be renewed each year, lest they lapse[10] and it requires the President to specify “the
provisions of law under which he proposes” to act[11] and imposes reporting
requirements to Congress.[12]
Every President has used the National Emergencies Act,
and many of these states of emergency are still in effect.[13]
a declaration of emergency doesn’t give the President to authority to bypass
Congress and allocate federal funds, it does give the President a variety of
powers, including re-purposing funds from other activities.[14] In fact, we don’t really
know the extent to which the President can act in national emergencies, an
uncertainty that has raised some consternation amongst analysts.[15]
Trump declaration of emergency proposes to cobble together the funds to build
the wall by re-purposing $3.6 Billion from other military construction, $2.5
Billion from anti-drug activities, $600 Million in drug forfeitures currently
held by the Treasury Department on top of the $1.375 Billion allocated by
Congress in the latest budget deal.[16]
So, the next question becomes whether the emergency
declaration and the funding of the border wall can be stopped and whether the
declaration and re-purposing of the funds is legal. Of course, the questions
are one and the same as the most direct way to stop the action is to have it
declared illegal.
There are three principal mechanisms by which the Trump
border wall plan can be thwarted.
1. Lawsuits
Members of Congress, government officials, civic
organizations and private citizens have already commenced preparing lawsuits to
stop the emergency declaration and enjoin construction of the wall. At the core
of the lawsuits are the allegations that the declaration was an abuse of
executive power and that southern border security is not a national emergency.
It has been pointed out that President Trump’s statement at a February 15 press
conference that he didn’t “have to” declare a national emergency but did so
because it would be faster,[17] seemingly helps make the
case that this is not a true emergency.
While lawsuits may garner some preliminary injunctions
against the project, as President Trump himself conceded,[18] getting the Supreme Court
to agree to reverse a presidential declaration is very difficult. Aside from
the substantive issue, two powerful doctrines stand in the way of the courts
stopping the construction: the “standing” doctrine and the “political question”
The “standing” rule requires anyone bringing federal
lawsuits to show injuries-in-fact to themselves. Under this doctrine, in Lujan v. Defenders
of Wildlife, the Supreme Court dismissed a case brought by environmentalist
organizations seeking to stop habitat destruction because they didn’t show
injuries to themselves, personally.[19] Plaintiffs need to show
what they’re personally harmed to show standing, a difficult hurdle when
challenging the building of a wall. Members of Congress alleging that their
constitutional powers have been ignored or overridden have likewise faced
similar obstacles, as has happened many times when members of Congress have
challenged presidential actions under the 1973 War Powers Resolution.[20]
The political
question doctrine allows courts to dismiss cases when:
1. The
Constitution shows a commitment of the issue to other branches of government,
2. There’s
a lack of manageable standards for resolving the issue,
3. The
policy decision involved clearly anticipated nonjudicial discretion,
4. The
case result might express a lack of respect for coordinate branches of
5. There’s
a need for adherence to policy decisions already made, and/or
6. There’s
the potential for embarrassment from multifarious pronouncements by various
government departments. [21]
of these factors could arguably militate in favor of allowing the executive and
legislative branches to settle this issue on their own. Certainly, foreign
policy is normally left to the President, it would be hard to clearly define
“national emergency,” the policy decision to build the wall has been made by
the executive branch already, and so forth.
2. Congress can Negate the
The National Emergencies Act allows Congress to end a
declared emergency with a resolution. While such a resolution would almost
certainly pass the House of Representatives, wherein Democrats hold the solid
majority, passage through the Senate would require at least four Republican
Senators to vote against the President. While more than the number of
Republicans have expressed skepticism or wariness about the emergency
whether they would vote against the President is unclear. Moreover, President
Trump could simply veto the resolution (as he could any other bill). Any such
veto would be the first of the Trump administration and would no doubt be
politically unpopular, but it’s unlikely that President Trump would be willing
to take the dramatic step of declaring a national emergency only to balk at
taking the less drastic step of vetoing legislation.
3. Eminent Domain
A third possibility of stopping or
delaying construction of the border wall may lie with the landowners themselves.
The wall would have to traverse private property in many areas and, while many
would undoubtedly sell the necessary land to the federal government voluntarily,
there are equally undoubtedly those that won’t, either for political or
practical reasons.
While the federal government has the
power of “eminent domain” to seize private land for “public use,” the Fifth
Amendment requires the government to provide just compensation for any such
condemnation.[23] While building the wall
would almost certainly quality as a public use,[24] landowners
may dispute government value assessments. While this probably only has the
potential to delay, not stop, the construction of the wall, injunctions against
takings while values are determined could certainly stall the wall’s
construction, maybe even until the political winds change.
Whatever happens from this point
forward, this precedent-setting national emergency declaration promises to have
far reaching impacts and the legal battles over it bears careful watching.
[2] https://fas.org/sgp/crs/natsec/98-505.pdf
[3] https://www.lawfareblog.com/emergencies-without-end-primer-federal-states-emergency
[4] https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/fdr-proclaims-an-unlimited-national-emergency
[5] Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579
[6] https://ia802500.us.archive.org/3/items/senate-report-93-549/senate-report-93-549.pdf
[7] https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/94/hr3884/text
[8] 50 USC § 1621(a)
[9] 50 USC § 1622(a)
[10] 50 USC § 1622(d)
[11] 50 USC § 1631
[12] 50 USC § 1641
[13] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-many-national-emergencies-have-been-called-by-presidents/
[14] https://www.brennancenter.org/analysis/emergency-powers
[15] https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/01/presidential-emergency-powers/576418/
[16] https://www.upi.com/Pentagon-chief-to-review-funds-to-shift-for-building-border-wall/9051550408636/
[17] https://reason.com/blog/2019/02/15/trump-says-he-didnt-need-to-declare-a-na
[19] Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)
[20] Kuchinich v. Bush 236 F.Supp.2d 1(D.D.C. 2002)
[21] Baker v. Carr, 369 US 186 (1962)
[22] https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/could-congress-block-trumps-emergency-declaration/
[24] See Kelo v. City of New London, 545 U.S. 469 (2005)