Legality of Partisan Redistricting and Gerrymandering
It’s not often that movie stars
grace the front steps of the United States Supreme Court. In early October,
however, actor and former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger led a
protest outside the Court as Justices heard oral arguments in the case Gill v. Whitford.[1] Why was ‘The Governator’
in Washington, D.C. and what was he protesting?
After every national census, conducted
once per decade, state legislatures redraw electoral and political district
boundaries to ensure that each district has roughly the same number of people
and thus, that each vote has “an equal say.”[2]
Since it is tasked with redrawing
districts in any case, the temptation is omnipresent for the political party in
power to redraw districts to its own electoral advantage. For example, redistricting
can concentrate heavy support for an opposing political party in one district
while spreading out one’s own support into several neighboring “swing”
districts. In this way, parties can use cartography to gain an electoral
advantage in an otherwise equal constituency.
This practice of redistricting district
boundaries for political party gain, class gain, or to increase the likelihood
of a political result, is known as Gerrymandering and dates back to the United
States’ colonial era. “Gerrymander” is a portmanteau of the word “salamander”
and the last name of the Massachusetts’ governor at the time, Elbridge Gerry,
who signed into law a redistricting plan designed to benefit his political
party in 1812. The newly-created district supposedly resembled the shape of a
salamander and the humorous term has endured.[3]
Political Gerrymandering has been
practiced by both parties at various levels ever since. Still, advanced
computerized models and data analysis techniques have made the practice more
effective and more prevalent than ever. Since Republicans have done very well
in state and local elections over the past decade, it has been primarily
Republicans who have been in position to practice this maneuver.
After the 2010 census, Wisconsin Republicans,
who has gained majorities in both houses of the state legislature and the governor’s
office, redrew district maps to concentrate strong Democratic support into some
districts while spreading Republican support across others, giving Republicans
an electoral advantage.[4]
A group of Wisconsin Democratic
voters led by University of Wisconsin professor William Whitford[5], have challenged the
Wisconsin redistricting plan, warning that permitting the redistricting plan
would allow Republicans to maintain control of the state’s legislature for the
foreseeable future. The state of
Wisconsin argues that if the Supreme Court decides a partisan gerrymandering
case, it will open the door to “unprecedented intervention in the American
political process.”[6]
For nearly 200 years, federal courts
did not interfere with gerrymandering practices. Justice Felix Frankfurter
wrote that “Courts ought not to enter
this political thicket,” ruling that state legislative district composition
was a non-justiciable political question, meaning that it should be left to the
legislatures to decide.[7] However, in the landmark
1962 decision, Baker v. Carr, the Supreme
Court reversed this trend and ruled that gerrymandering was unconstitutional
when it was done to target or disenfranchise minority voters. In so doing, the
Court announced the “one person, one vote” standard of American representative
Three years later, Congress enacted
the Voting Rights Act of 1965, requiring that legislatures at both the state
and federal level reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of the people they
represent. First, the Act sought to protect racial minorities from the dilution
of their voting rights and second, it guaranteed the representation of minority
interests in governmental decision-making.[9] The Act prohibits states
from gerrymandering that could result in the denial or abridgement of the right
to vote based on race, color, or membership in a language minority.[10]
The 1995 Supreme Court decision, Shaw v. Reno, reaffirmed the prohibition
on redistricting based on race. There, voters mounted a racial gerrymandering
challenge to North Carolina’s 12th Congressional District
boundaries, which created a district with an African-American majority that was
so bizarrely drawn, it could only be explained as an effort to unconstitutionally
classify voters by race.[11] Justice Sandra Day
O'Connor, writing for the majority, found that North Carolina's legislature
redistricting legislation was so irregular on its face that it could only be
perceived as an effort to racially segregate voters.[12]
While the law is clear that racial
gerrymandering is unconstitutional, the courts have never applied this
prohibition to gerrymandering that is merely based on political partisanship;
that is, done not to exclude members of a particular background, but merely to
give the party in power a partisan advantage.
In the 2004 case, Vieth v. Jubelirer,[13] registered Pennsylvania Democratic
voters sued state Republican elected officials in a political gerrymandering
case. They based their challenge on the “Equal Protection clause,” arguing that
voters of one party were favored in their chance to elect representatives of their
choice. The Court, however, declined to rule that partisan gerrymandering is
unconstitutional, finding it too difficult to develop “clear, manageable, and politically neutral standards for measuring the
burden a given partisan classification imposes on representational rights,”[14] meaning that a court
can’t easily determine when politics are influencing redistricting.[15]
In his separate concurring opinion, Justice
Anthony Kennedy indicated that the Supreme Court may have a role to play if a
future challenger to gerrymandering bases its claim on the First Amendment. He
wrote, “The First Amendment may be the
more relevant constitutional provision in future cases that allege unconstitutional
partisan gerrymandering. After all, these allegations involve the First
Amendment interest of not burdening or penalizing citizens because of their
participation in the electoral process, their voting history, their association
with a political party, or their expression of political views.”[16]
In our Gill case in Wisconsin, opponents of Wisconsin’s redistricting plan
have taken Justice Kennedy’s recommendation and have challenged the
redistricting on First Amendment grounds. Their argument is that a
redistricting plan may violate the First Amendment if it has the purpose of burdening
the representational rights of the complaining party’s voters for reasons of
ideology, beliefs, or political association.[17] In other words, the
gerrymandering seeks to dilute the influence of some of the voters because they
have, at some point, expressed political viewpoints that are hostile to those
currently in power. The Supreme Court will analyze whether the partisan
redistricting plan is an unconstitutional viewpoint-based restriction.
As California’s governor,
Schwarzenegger championed redistricting reform and backed initiatives to take the
power of redrawing districts out of the hands of state legislators,[18] possibly explaining why
he appeared at the Supreme Court. In a few months, the Supreme Court will
decide whether partisan gerrymandering violates the First Amendment. A ruling
for the opponents of Wisconsin’s redistricting plan could remake American
politics by requiring lawmakers to draw more competitive districts that are
irrespective of the viewpoints of the constituencies.
Ted Johnson, “Arnold Schwarzenegger
Speaks at Supreme Court Rally to ‘Terminate’ Gerrymandering,” Variety,
(October 2017).
Emily Barasch, “The Twisted History of
Gerrymandering in American Politics,” The Atlantic, (September 2012).
Jay Cost, “The Junk Science at the Heart
of the Gerrymandering Case,” The Weekly Standard, (October 2017).
Amy Howe, “The justices tackle partisan
gerrymandering again: In Plain English,” SCOTUSBlog, (August 2017).
Colegrove v. Green, 328 U.S. 549,
Dwight Aarons, “Nationwide Preclearance
of Section Five of the 1965 Voting Rights Act: Implementing the Fifteenth
Amendment,” 11 Nat'l Black L.J. 93, (1989).
L. Paige Whitaker, “Congressional
Redistricting and the Voting Rights Act: A Legal Overview,” Congressional
Research Service, (2015).
Shaw v. Reno, 509 U.S. 630, (1993).
Scott Allen Carlson, “The Gerrymandering
of the Reconstruction Amendments and Strict Scrutiny: The Supreme Court’s
Unwarranted Intrusion into the Political Thicket,” 23 T. Marshall L. Rev.
71, (1997).
Vieth v. Jubelirer, 541 U.S. 267,
[14] Id.
[15] Supra Note 3.
[16] Supra Note 13.
Mark Joseph Stern, “Does Partisan
Gerrymandering Violate the First Amendment?,” Slate.com, (June 2017).
Supra Note 1.