Criminal Penalties for Spreading Fake News?
Should a tech company be the arbiter of truth? Following the
2016 Presidential election, private as well as congressional investigations
have uncovered efforts by foreign actors to manipulate the US elections by
posting false information on social media outlets. In March 2019, the US
Department of Justice published a Report On The Investigation Into Russian
Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election[1],
establishing that “Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election” by
employing “a social media campaign designed to provoke and amplify political
and social discord in the United States”. The University of Oxford also
published a report[2] in
which it concluded that the Russian Internet Research Agency (IRA) sought to
benefit the Republican party by creating fraudulent accounts on social media
sites to post and spread false information. In fact, Facebook itself
acknowledged, in a report[3]
published after the 2016 election, that “malicious actors … via inauthentic
accounts” spread false and/or stolen data, “across the political spectrum with
the apparent intent of increasing tensions.”
As the 2020 election is now in full swing, the role of
social media is again at the forefront. In October, Facebook allowed an ad run
by President Trump’s re-election campaign that included a claim about Joe
Biden’s role in the ouster of a Ukrainian prosecutor. In response, the Biden
campaign accused Facebook of selling “the tools to target certain segments of
the population with lies,” and urged Facebook to remember that it “promised the
public, the United States Congress, and its users…that its platform will no
longer be a conduit for misinformation and a tool of political distortion.”
Facebook’s global head of elections policy, Katie Harbath, responded that the
company strove to “empower voters to judge what politicians say for
Most recently, CNBC reported[5]
on January 29 that the Elizabeth Warren campaign proposed to “combat disinformation”
by pushing for new laws that would “impose tough civil and criminal penalties
for knowingly disseminating this kind of information, which has the explicit
purpose of undermining the basic right to vote.” The Warren campaign’s press
notes that during the last two election cycles, “online disinformation sought
to depress voter turnout by telling people they could vote via text, giving
people the wrong date for election day, and more.” Beyond calling for
“additional sanctions against countries that engage in election interference
through disinformation,”[7]
Senator Warren’s plan also advocates for civil and criminal penalties “for
knowingly disseminating false information about when and how to vote in US
What would be the constitutional hazards of these proposed
The Supreme Court has long held sacred the First Amendment’s
freedoms of speech and the press – including political advocacy. In 1966, in Mills
v. State of Alabama[9],
the Court struck down an Alabama law that made it a crime for a newspaper
editor to publish an election-day editorial seeking to persuade people to vote
in a specific way. The Court held that it would be “difficult to conceive of a
more obvious and flagrant abridgment of the constitutionally guaranteed freedom
of the press,” and noted that the First Amendment’s purpose is to “protect the
free discussion of governmental affairs.”[10]
But what if the speech was not an editor’s suggestion to
vote for one party over another, but rather political propaganda from a foreign
source? Here, too, the Court struck down a Cold War era federal law that
required the Postmaster General to refrain from delivering mailings from
foreign countries of “communist political propaganda”. In Lamont v.
Postmaster General, the Court held that such a restriction constituted “an
unconstitutional abridgment of the addressee’s First Amendment rights.”[11]
Four years later, the Court clarified that the “right to receive information
and ideas, regardless of their social worth, is fundamental to our free
Even if the source of the speech cannot be traced, the Court
has also protected anonymous political speech. In 1995, the Court struck down an Ohio prohibition on the distribution
of anonymous campaign literature, holding that “an author’s decision to remain
anonymous…is an aspect of the freedom of speech protected by the First
The Supreme Court has even extended First Amendment
protections to speech that is false, even if it may damage the reputation of a
public figure. The Court has described “a profound national commitment to the
principle that debate on public issues should be uninhibited, robust, and
wide-open,” meaning that “it may well include vehement, caustic, and sometimes
unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials.”[14]
In a different context, the Court has stated that “[t]he remedy for speech that
is false is speech that is true. This is the ordinary course in a free
Additionally, the Court has struck down government restrictions on speech based
on the content of the speech, expressing apprehension that if such laws could
be promulgated, “the government may effectively drive certain ideas or
viewpoints from the marketplace,” and “[t]he First Amendment presumptively
places this sort of discrimination beyond the power of the government.”[16]
As the Court summarized in United States v. Playboy Entertainment Group,
Inc.: “It is rare that a regulation restricting speech because of its content
will ever be permissible.”[17]
Finally, the Supreme Court has also been opposed to
extending liability to third party platforms that enable speech to be
disseminated. In 1959, the Court held that booksellers could not be strictly
liable for obscene content in books they sell,[18]
and five years later, it protected a newspaper from liability for third party
advertisements, holding that the failure to do so “would discourage newspapers
from carrying ‘editorial advertisements’ … and so might shut off an important
outlet for the promulgation of information and ideas who do not themselves have
access to publishing facilities”.[19]
Even after the 2016 elections, the Court has recognized that the same
protections extend to the Internet, stating: “While in the past there may have been
difficulty in identifying the most important places (in a spatial sense) for
the exchange of views, today the answer is clear. It is cyberspace—the “vast
democratic forums of the Internet” in general … and social media in
particular.” [20]
In short, the kind of liability Senator Warren proposes would likely be met with serious judicial backlash.
[7] Id.
[8] Id.
[10] Id.
at 218.
New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 283 (1964). Public officials must
prove that the speakers either purposefully lied or spoke with reckless
disregard for the truth in order to be successful in a lawsuit against the
[16] Simon & Schuster, Inc. v. Members of New York State Crime Victims Bd., 502 U.S. 105, 116 (1991).
Packingham v. North Carolina, 137 S. Ct. 1730, 1735 (2017) (internal citation